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Title Hits Comments Ratings Date Author
3dsMax: Alpha channel tips
(Hits: 3989)
(6) 2013-04-07 Mario
Graphics: HD paintjobs(with template)
Introduction to photoshop tools and how to work them (Hits: 3294)
(0) 2015-12-27 Yurisminator/Thor
Graphics: HD paintjobs(without template) NEW
A tutorial on how to do a "skin" in SLRR. (Hits: 16986)
(34) 2015-05-02 Marlon
Graphics: HD paintjobs(without template) OLD
(Hits: 12263)
(8) 2010-05-17 Acyd
Graphics: How to get better graphics without ENB(NVIDIA users only)
(Hits: 6476)
(6) 2014-09-28 mindeliszz
Graphics: How to Screenshot Ingame and Little motion Blur tutorial on GIMP
(Hits: 2740)
(2) 2016-07-08 JDM_Racer
Graphics: How to take pictures in SLR:R
Explaining the procedure of taking pics in SLR:R (Hits: 10123)
(7) 2010-07-08 Noi5eB0mb
Graphics: Nice shots with Nvidia GPU
Tutorial (Hits: 7611)
(7) 2013-06-01 E-Bullet
Graphics: Realistic reflection tutorial
(Hits: 4597)
(2) 2014-01-12 Bigg Boss93
Modding: Addon rims
(Hits: 10655)
(7) 2011-01-17 Grudas
Scripts: 2.2.1MWM and 2.3.0LE superIDs
List of all superIDs, useful when converting from one to another. (Hits: 3535)
(2) 2015-07-30 Miran & Raxat
Scripts: Adding textures to RDB/RPK
(Hits: 3085)
(1) 2014-08-04 Jesus Christ
Scripts: Basic scripting
Cameras & Driver position (Hits: 8790)
(5) 2012-06-02 Mario
Scripts: Chaser bot
(Hits: 2755)
(3) 2015-12-06 Gorgoil
Scripts: Duplicate parts in a mod(cars/parts)
(Hits: 3710)
(1) 2015-03-15 Bigg Boss93
Scripts: Engine/parts kits
Simple tutorial to make your very own engine kit of your very own engine. (Hits: 4936)
(7) 2015-01-16 Holy Shit Man
Scripts: Engines compatibility
(Hits: 7066)
(3) 2014-07-02 Bigg Boss93
Scripts: First person view gauges setup
(Hits: 4500)
(3) 2012-12-20 Bigg Boss93
Scripts: g4tnt's osd replacment tutorial
a quick how to :) (Hits: 3859)
(8) 2013-08-21 g4tnt
Scripts: How to make a car appear more or less often in the dealers!
easy tutorial :o (Hits: 18991)
(9) 2013-06-22 FJ
Scripts: How to add an existing part to another car mod
A little bit of tutorial (Hits: 4285)
(0) 2015-04-20 Nk748
Scripts: How to convert a car from LE to MWM
(Hits: 4927)
(5) 2013-11-20 Remco
Scripts: How to stop cars from crashing in ValoCity
You like that car and it does not work? Repair it youself! (Hits: 4979)
(4) 2014-02-28 Caballo
Scripts: Loading order
(Hits: 3112)
(1) 2014-08-04 Jesus Christ
Scripts: Loading order NEW
(Hits: 2119)
(4) 2017-09-03 Bigg Boss93
Scripts: Making engine work with all cars
Don't mistake with making all engines work with a car. (Hits: 5153)
(4) 2015-07-20 Holy Shit Man
Scripts: moving SLRR stock suspension on cars
(Hits: 2096)
(0) 2018-08-30 Svander
Scripts: RPK basics
Firt steps in .rpk file (Hits: 14022)
(1) 2012-06-02 Mario
Sounds: Engine sounds from FM4
(Hits: 5154)
(0) 2015-01-29 mindeliszz
Sounds: Engine sounds from Shift2
(Hits: 15018)
(3) 2014-08-06 mindeliszz
Tools: Decoding and converting RPK files
The first move to do to enter the SLRR modding world. (Hits: 7779)
(3) 2015-07-21 Holy Shit Man
Tutorial: How to convert sounds from real life for SLRR
Take engine/exhaust sounds from youtube videos and convert them for SLRR. (Hits: 2974)
(2) 2017-09-02 9kRPM
Tutorial: SLRR on Linux
On example of Ubuntu 18.04 (Hits: 1889)
(1) 2018-05-01 Holy Shit Man
VSC++: Including Resdecode and Resconvert for your program
(Hits: 2332)
(0) 2015-11-13
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