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#441   2018-10-02 18:02          
Alright I implemented the normal dependent nature of shadows to the shadow overwrite aswell because well challenge or something like that.
("Ever refreshing patchlink" for SlrrExhaustive and the SlrrExhaustiveBits)


Posts: 230

Location: Argentina Cordoba, Justiniano Posse
Occupation: Modding SLRR
Age: 27
#442   2018-10-04 05:08          
Slrr is not opening anymore for me with last update. Tried a clean BB install without reshade and it works though.

EDIT: Worked after deleting d3d9.dll
EDIT2: Just realized my windows updated to 1809 (redstone 5) while I was away. So this may be the fuck up. Anything that can be done? Compatibility wise

This post was edited by svander (2018-10-04 05:16, ago)


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#443   2018-10-04 10:09          
Uf I may not have a way for that :/ (I didnt make significant changes this few updates and can confirm works on an older OS)
One thing we can try is this:
which leads to installing this:

Some people also suggest running the game with compatibility mode set to Win8

But what kind of error message do you get? (windows should tell you the faulting module and an address at least or a fault like incompatible architectures or something)


Posts: 230

Location: Argentina Cordoba, Justiniano Posse
Occupation: Modding SLRR
Age: 27
#444   2018-10-04 13:34          
Thats the thing. I get literally no error. Game opens and you see it on task manager but closes shortly after


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#445   2018-10-04 13:54          
I dont know where to then :/
The best I can find about this is installing the DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)
and that the MSI Afterburner and other similar apps interfere (when running) with this sort of dll proxying.

But if its a general failure (and even stock reshade fails to attach) threads will pop up and there will be a fix.
You could try that, download the base reshade and see if slrr crashes with that (LINK)


Posts: 230

Location: Argentina Cordoba, Justiniano Posse
Occupation: Modding SLRR
Age: 27
#446   2018-10-04 14:10          
Just installed stock reshade on an alternate instalation and it works

EDIT: Using stock reshade dlls makes slrr work with the stock .exe but not with slrr_gl.exe. dis is weird

This post was edited by svander (2018-10-04 14:18, ago)


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#447   2018-10-04 15:01          
Alright, you could dig through the event logs ("View event logs" in search -> windows logs -> application -> a log with "Application error" in the source column and Slrr_GI as the Faulting application path in the report) and find a recent crash of the Slrr_GI.exe which will tell us where the crash occured (hopefully) in the "Faulting module path" and the "Fault offset" fields are the interesting ones.
(The last time I made changes to the exe was in August 17. so this is definitely a new incompatibility)


Posts: 230

Location: Argentina Cordoba, Justiniano Posse
Occupation: Modding SLRR
Age: 27
#448   2018-10-04 15:31          
Okay gotcha. Found all the errors. Like literally millions of them all of me trying to launch the game xD

Nombre de la aplicación con errores: Slrr_GI.exe, versión:, marca de tiempo: 0x420765d4
Nombre del módulo con errores: d3d9.dll, versión:, marca de tiempo: 0x5b50a731
Código de excepción: 0xc0000409
Desplazamiento de errores: 0x000fdb67
Identificador del proceso con errores: 0x1780
Hora de inicio de la aplicación con errores: 0x01d45bea779ae943
Ruta de acceso de la aplicación con errores: C:\Games\Street Legal Racing Redline\Slrr_GI.exe
Ruta de acceso del módulo con errores: C:\Games\Street Legal Racing Redline\d3d9.dll
Identificador del informe: 99064a3f-bd3e-4b68-bfa7-4f51da7054de
Nombre completo del paquete con errores:
Identificador de aplicación relativa del paquete con errores:

Depósito con errores 2077179871852381107, tipo 1
Nombre de evento: APPCRASH
Respuesta: No disponible
Identificador de archivo .cab: 0

Firma del problema:
P1: Slrr_GI.exe
P3: 420765d4
P4: d3d9.dll
P6: 5b50a731
P7: c0000005
P8: 0000bc53

Archivos adjuntos:

Es posible que estos archivos estén disponibles aquí:

Símbolo de análisis:
Nueva búsqueda de una solución: 0
Id. de informe: ab766717-3709-44d7-81fc-73549104cbce
Estado del informe: 268435456
Depósito con algoritmo hash: 60f1e0ae95fbbeca4cd3a0168c5a43b3
GUID de archivo .cab: 0

Also, this report file was created (.wer file) *LINK*

If theres any spanish you need translation on, just tell me. Also if you want to add me in discord/steam/skype/facebook or whatever to try any further fix, let me know and I'll pm you everything.


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#449   2018-10-04 15:51          
Thats a good idea

Bigg Boss93

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Location: Italy - Sardegna
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#450   2018-10-04 18:27          
Alright i tried your latest patch and as soon as i hit the Browse Tournaments button it crashes to desktop, i tried also removing the d3d9 files but it still does it, no error on error.log so far.

Here's two out of three error logs from windows, one of them was exactly identical to the bottom one so i skipped it.

Nome dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: Slrr_GI.exe, versione:, timestamp: 0x420765d4
Nome del modulo che ha generato l'errore: unknown, versione:, timestamp: 0x00000000
Codice eccezione: 0xc0000005
Offset errore 0x5a000607
ID processo che ha generato l'errore: 0x1998
Ora di avvio dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: 0x01d45c07b18823b1
Percorso dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: C:\Users\Bigg Boss\Desktop\Slrr\Slrr_GI.exe
Percorso del modulo che ha generato l'errore: unknown
ID segnalazione: 06dd579d-c7fb-11e8-9a9c-003018a66130

Nome dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: Slrr_GI.exe, versione:, timestamp: 0x420765d4
Nome del modulo che ha generato l'errore: Slrr_GI.exe, versione:, timestamp: 0x420765d4
Codice eccezione: 0xc0000005
Offset errore 0x00015eea
ID processo che ha generato l'errore: 0x1b4c
Ora di avvio dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: 0x01d45c071e1a40de
Percorso dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: C:\Users\Bigg Boss\Desktop\Slrr\Slrr_GI.exe
Percorso del modulo che ha generato l'errore: C:\Users\Bigg Boss\Desktop\Slrr\Slrr_GI.exe
ID segnalazione: d8fe650f-c7fa-11e8-9a9c-003018a66130
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O


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#451   2018-10-04 19:12          
There has been some changes regarding the tournament pictures (they are resources now should fix a rare crash)
I suggest a reinstall sort of if its possible download and copy the whole patch over again. If it doesn't fix it decompress the whole game archive and patch it up with the latest patch I tried it at home (this decompress and patch scenario) it did manage.

We also figured out the issue on svander's end it was reshade overzealously hooking newer versions of d3d too which caused problems I disabled this and updated the related links.
("Ever refreshing patchlink" for SlrrExhaustive and the SlrrExhaustiveBits)

Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#452   2018-10-04 21:24          
Okay, yeah, wow, reinstalling the patch did fix it wtf? :D

Since i'm at it, how the hell do i disable that annoying borderless effect once for all(i know how to disable it everytime after startup but i just dont like having it at all as it sets the window as permanently forward, while i prefer being able to move tru my windows) >.>
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O


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#453   2018-10-04 22:11          
:/ no way as of yet but the window gets its borders back if it becomes inactive.. I look into changing this (during device creation it must be borderless but after the first loading screen it could remember the last config)


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Location: Argentina Cordoba, Justiniano Posse
Occupation: Modding SLRR
Age: 27
#454   2018-10-04 22:21          
A simple SLRR launcher could've made with some external configs including borderless (or not) windows and maybe include a resolution changer (like MWM has)

Bigg Boss93

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Location: Italy - Sardegna
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#455   2018-10-05 14:35          
Yeah here and bothering again, i've tried running your SCX viewer but somehow it crashes on startup, i remembered you told me about .NET framework 4.5.2 a while ago and i've tried installing it, with negative results as i've got 4.5.5 already installed(thus it doesnt allow installing the older version).

Do you know what i might be doing wrong?
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O


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#456   2018-10-05 16:04          
The SCXViewer is not a release ready program if you want to browse scx files use the program under "VS_Projects\slrrHelp\SCXUV\bin\x64\Release\SCXUV.exe"
The SCXViewer should also work but its an experimental little program to move the phys' of a car (similarly the valid program would be under "\VS_Projects\slrrHelp\SCXViewer\bin\x64\Release\SCXViewer.exe" or "VS_Projects\slrrHelp\SCXViewer\bin\x64\Debug\SCXViewer.exe" but I suspect them being quite old in the original exhaustive pack.

What are you trying to achieve I can probably put together a small app.

Bigg Boss93

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Location: Italy - Sardegna
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#457   2018-10-05 16:30          
Do you have anything that could scale up a mesh? Actually, when i get back home i'll show you a random idea i've had, which maybe is doable using the scalemesh command via java.. thanks for now
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O


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#458   2018-10-05 17:16          
Yup scaling a mesh is no big deal.

The scalemesh function in slrr is quite complicated to use :/ (you need to copy the mesh before using it and that new mesh cant be cleaned up so will stay in memory for the game session (until quitting) and meshes can take up a surprising amount of memory)

Bigg Boss93

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Location: Italy - Sardegna
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#459   2018-10-05 19:14          
So here's the idea, rescaled fonts and replaced mouse cursor(with those that were supposed to be the game's definitive cursors instead of debug exe ones) for any resolution that equals or exceeds 1440p, links below(not gonna post them as preview since they're 4k reso pics):


I'm currently trying to add a little optionsdialog voice so that people can choose which mode to use(either standard or definitive pointers for all, for none or only for resos that equals or exceeds 1440p).
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O

Bigg Boss93

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Location: Italy - Sardegna
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#460   2018-10-05 22:26          
Random idea to add to your game, what about making so that once you finish a night race you get teleported where it started and it shows directly the chart where you can either start another match or leave for the free roaming?

I mean, having to go back at the start might even be more realistic but it's annoying when you've got 100+ drivers to beat. >.>

Added 1 hour 5 minutes later:

Alright my mind keeps rolling, what about adding vibration for controllers on jumps/hits?

This post was edited by Bigg Boss93 (2018-10-05 23:32, ago)
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O


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#461   2018-10-06 21:35          
Yeah fonts thats one for the more sophisticated fellows :D
The controller stuff is actually a nice idea :/ I dont have a controller though and I dont see a clear way to send forcefeedback (maybe its handled in the backend) (and thinking about it I dont know from the top of my head how to determine if the car is flying or not (if it has contact with the ground))
The continuous night racing can be done why not (just ask the player "one more race?" and bring the opponent dialog up if the player decides to race the car will be teleported to the start by the current code too (if not then just continue from the finish).

Bigg Boss93

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Location: Italy - Sardegna
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#462   2018-10-06 21:47          
Spring compression and decompression percentage, that would solve the flying thing, maybe?
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O


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Location: Argentina Cordoba, Justiniano Posse
Occupation: Modding SLRR
Age: 27
#463   2018-10-06 21:59          
Wouldnt it be better to assign controller vibration to materials? Like ground particles is done, when car steps on grass = x% of vibration

Bigg Boss93

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#464   2018-10-07 00:05          
It would, in a game that followed any standards.

Sadly this game doesnt follow any which makes it basically impossible.

If it had preset material names like gta or other games then it'd be easier i guess(and it would also be easier to make maziora paintjobs ingame etc).

I think the only way to add vibration as of now is using some of the suspension data, a way or another.

The best guess is making it read the "static" condition of the part(so what data output there is when the car is still) and then calculate the vibration accordingly to variations.

Which is definitely pretty hard to make for a normal human being but seen what he has came up with already i wouldnt be surprised it he managed this too. :D
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O


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#465   2018-10-08 05:50          
Since it is possible to change a mesh scale, is it also possible to edit a mesh materials? (change the reflection level, specular color, specular level and glossiness, diffuse color, opacity, self illumination etc)
Something wrong is not right.


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#466   2018-10-08 10:00          
It has been possible for quite some time from code (C#), with the sources I shared (LINK).

Its a lot of parameters though so I doubt I'll be able to be convinced to make a full UI :/ .


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#467   2018-10-08 13:13          
# adnan54 : is it also possible to edit a mesh materials?
I did the program exactly for that purpose a while ago, but I'm too lazy to finish all that I want. Here's how it looks

amilmand, I also want to ask you some questions. First one is about your WalkMarker and TRCMarker tools, is it possible to make a spline to the vertex/mesh snap option like it is in 3ds max? Cause it is really hard to make traffic not flying over or under the road at the moment (or I just dumb and didn't find that option). Or even maybe create some sort of 3ds max spline export script into .trc/.walk format? And if creating the 3ds max script is real hardcore thing, I hope that doing a snap option isnt. Anyway, this is just a question, not a request (yet, haha :D ).

The second question is about your scx scale tool, after I saw it I got an idea for making an extended version with possibility of scaling the mesh by all 3 axes independently. I think I could make it by myself, but it will be easier for me if you share how exactly rescaling works. Or you could just share the sources (or even make that option by yourself :D ). Anyway, that's still just kind of a question.

And the third one is not about programming at all, you're really good at the SLRR internals, is there any way to make track meshes which will be shown regardless of the drawing distance. That would be very useful for long-distance decorations like mountains or cities, that usually made just as a texture.

Hope I don't ask you too much. Anyway thanks for your attention! :)

Bigg Boss93

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Location: Italy - Sardegna
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#468   2018-10-08 13:54          
The last one isnt really possible not because the game cant do it, as it can already just by using lod_amp etc on cfgs and rpk, but rather because the skybox is too small and unfortunately i have never managed scaling it up.

Even if i re-exported the skybox with 10x size, cutting pieces etc just to see if it worked and so, and it did, the game always scale it to the same exact size for some reason(some internal code? i havent really found anything related to it in javas)
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O


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#469   2018-10-08 14:34          
to the vertex/mesh snap option like
Snapping the control points to vertices or faces of the track wont help, it is quite hard to approximate the shape of the track (as you also pointed out) even with unconstrained movement of the control points introducing a new limitation will make it even harder (even if it doesnt seem that way) (I mainly used the height of the control points to make the example trc passable, and minimize the number places where the cars were floating or intersecting the ground) and would probably lead to people making splines with an overwhelming amount of control points (as to make even the linear approximation feasible and disregard the curved nature of the spline) which would make it all but impossible to adjust the "density" of a spline and hence make the traffic travel the spline at a near constant velocity, which again must be done by hand.. (I researched the problem and confirmed my vague memories about splines (in particular Bézier splines (but even curves) that arc length parameterization is not viable in the given context (would need a pre-transformation on the parameter which slrr doesnt use as far as I know) and the whole thing becomes a general iterative method on the given "length" parameters of the slrr spline construct with only a guess on the use of the params being optimised... frankly I dont want to deal with that)

Defining splines for the track after the fact (I'm pretty sure the basis-model of Valocity was generated in regards to the splines used as the trc data and not vice versa) is as easy as I could make it in reasonable time (generating the Navigator lanes, enforcing the constraints on continuity, generating adjacencies, translating the relations from indices and back and so on)

If however there is a way to save (continuous) splines of this kind (list of Cubic Bézier curves) in any other program I would be alright with implementing a way to import these files (if the file structure is known)

scaling the mesh by all 3 axes [..] Or you could just share the sources
I would like to point you to the link mentioned just above (LINK) you are looking for the ScxV3Constructable and ScxV4Constructable classes after constructing one of those the problem becomes trivial, I would be glad if you or anyone else for that matter dove into the sources and utilised it, it has some great potential, and as battered as I am regarding modding slrr it would be good for some other people to start using a, I think well written enough, library to access and modify the data files of slrr.
But the source for the small dialog I added using the "model" linked is here for you, it is quite trivial really.

regardless of the drawing distance.
If you mean the ingame option I know for a fact that that is not possible from the rpk side of things, also there is a limit on the number of vertices that can be in a POLY entry in an rpk, but you can try and trick the spatial data structure of the rpk (floating an entry high up the hierarchy) to show the given POLY entry even when far away. Even then the draw distance will cut it though so the best you could do is construct a proper octree and bias some objects to be high in the hierarchy in the meantime setting the draw distance to a very high value and leaving the keeping of the number of objects rendered low to the spatial partitioning. But this is a complex problem (with the sources linked above it is possible but there are points in there which I'm not sure about so it would need experimentation)


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Location: Russia
#470   2018-10-08 17:37          
amilmand, big thanks to you for that informative and really fast response! And also thanks to Bigg Boss93 for sharing his research too :)

Returning to the answer, I feel myself a bit dumb after all your explanation about splines, haha, so let me clear some things. At the moment we have a script that export splines (Bezier curves to be correct) from 3ds max into the .spl format SLRR use for race lines. So isn't it a way to make the process of creating traffic paths easier? Or the race lines are weakly correlated with them?

And wow, the solution of the mesh scaling is that simple! Seems I really didn't work on any programming-related stuff for a long time. Also I already used your work on SCX files for my Materials Editor, thank you for that. You right about the potential these sources have, so maybe I should start on utilizing them and creating some sort of documentation to make it easier for others. But I warn you - don't be optimistic on me :D

>>If you mean the ingame option I know for a fact that that is not possible from the rpk side of things
Yeah, I hoped exactly for that. Cause I don't feel that I could do some kind of tool for tweaking scx or rpk structure. I know how hard it is and I don't get that much inspiration you have. So I think it's better for me to solve simpler but not less important tasks (like fixing car javas haha :D )

Thank you again for your answer and for all the work you doing on the game, this is really insane (in a good sense ofc :D ). And you actually inspire me to continue working on it too, but in less global form :)


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#471   2018-10-08 18:19          
Well good guess on the .spl format but no cigar unfortunately those lines define a "closed cubic Hermite spline"
Quote from LINK
The .spl file spline row format (%LF is float %d is int) is:
(%lf %lf %lf) (%lf %lf %lf) %lf %lf %d %lf %lf %d:
(pos XYZ), (normal XYZ), splineWidth, targetVelocity, I do not know the rest
the two ints are used as bools
the list of first two vectors define a closed cubic Hermite spline.
The main concern again is the "density" of the spline as the Hermite spline description (well this is of course a guess (that it defines a Hermite spline) but it "fits evidence") defines normals which are well... normalised (they need to be or the AI gets confused) so they really cant be straightforwardly converted to their .trc lane equivalent (and further complication is that while the AI follows a .spl spline its movement is subject to the physics engine, and the spline defined is more of a hint of the path to take and not a direct definition opposed to the .trc, I bring this up because the .spl-s I ran into in modded maps were in most cases grossly missaligned (from a .spl standpoint this doesnt matter as the physics engine helps and keeps the car on the ground and generally forces the car to move "believably")).

But 3dsmax uses Bézier splines if you have a homebrowen solution to export those that might work (as far as I know the closest 3dsmax natively has that generates spline like data is the export to adobe illustrator but that doesnt help much I dont think)

some sort of documentation to make it easier for others.
The article (LINK) is a good starting point the code is mainly a direct implementation of that knowledge and some elaborate stuff in the GameFileManager (and the trc related file types but that is a bit more complicated than the rest and I think less hmm popular)

I always think its nice if someone shows love for such an old game so keep on modding :)
(if you have questions about the code or anything just ask ;) )


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Location: Russia
#472   2018-10-08 20:58          
That's not a problem to export splines from 3ds max into any binary or text data via maxscript. Here's for example Invictus' .spl export script

As you can see we can easily get every control point coordinates and both it's normal vectors too, all the maths here just converts 3ds max into SLRR coordinates system, but other things were done by standard maxscript methods. We also can parse for example lines' names for additional data like speed, turn type etc. Is that data enough to create not .trc, but at least some intermediate file for importing into your tool? Cause I could try to do some kind of export script when I got the time :)

Yeah, I red that article, when you published it I realized that we have a lot more possibilities for modding this game. And it still is really useful :) But I think that C# sources could get a bit more love so they started to look more like actual API. Hope to do that in some future, but can't promise :D

As for me SLRR is the unique racing game for modding because of scripting possibilities (can also name MTA here but I guess that's all), so yeah, still can't quit playing with it since all these years. And that's really great that you opened a new modding level for all of us.

And little P.S. I'm not the one who interested in .trc files, after seeing the traffic on Alps my mate got an idea to create another city for the game (and we actually did the prototype with races and stuff) but it is really hard to make proper traffic paths yet, cause we both more familiar with 3ds max


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Location: France Pouzac
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Age: 30
#473   2018-10-13 10:20          
Hi :) Amilmand, i have a question about chrome, how to improve the chrome shine of this wheels for exemple ? Thanks :)


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#474   2018-10-13 15:15          
intermediate file for importing into your tool
I've become quite busy lately I probably wont have time in the foreseeable future to make this happen the best I can do is release the source of the tools as is if you want to explore or extend it (or anyone). LINK

improve the chrome shine
Thats quite broad and subjective :P I think they look fine.
I could only provide technical details or something like that, this pic doesnt seem to use reshade but who knows nowadays with everybody and their config.
Reshade does have a quirk with the DisableReflectionsOnSecondLayer=1 set, naturally the second layer will have its reflection toned down if not disabled outright, other than that :) I dont know
(My opinion on what is "nice" has been seen to differ quite a bit from people usually expressing their opinion on these forums so in general I'm probably not the best to ask about aesthetics :D I mean.. I think this is a nice pic:


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Location: France Pouzac
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Age: 30
#475   2018-10-13 19:43          
Thanks for the tip bro ! yeah i always try to do a best reshade setup to get the game a little more real
On the pic i use reshade but only 5 - 6 filters..i must take time to tune all parameters.

In fact, i'm trying to get something like i had on my previous enb :D

BTW, i love bump options

This post was edited by dowdow (2018-10-13 20:03, ago)


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Location: Russia
#476   2018-10-13 20:41          
# amilmand : I've become quite busy lately
Yeah, same thing here. And thanks a lot for the sources! I'll take a look at them for sure, hope will do 3ds max spline to .trc export script someday. Anyway, if I'll get any progress I'll let you know :)

Holy Shit Man

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#477   2018-10-14 00:09          
# dowdow : Thanks for the tip bro ! yeah i always try to do a best reshade setup to get the game a little more real
On the pic i use reshade but only 5 - 6 filters..i must take time to tune all parameters.

In fact, i'm trying to get something like i had on my previous enb :D

But you know it depends on material settings of each part though? So for example my wheels use materials that are set the best for vanilla graphics (or any as long as they don't affect the materials) and they may look bad if you use ReShade


Posts: 231

Location: France Pouzac
Occupation: Construction Designer
Age: 30
#478   2018-10-14 02:04          
# Alan Smithee : But you know it depends on material settings of each part though? So for example my wheels use materials that are set the best for vanilla graphics (or any as long as they don't affect the materials) and they may look bad if you use ReShade

Yep you're right, i've seen that after test other parts with different chrome textures


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Location: United States Arizona
Occupation: it's complicated... more complicated than my relationships
Age: 30
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#479   2018-11-13 04:27          
Hey Amilmand, sorry to bother you, but I had a question: do you know how to get the car's current flags? I've tried both getFlags(); and (int)the_car.getIndexedData(Chassis.IndexedData_Flags); and neither worked.

Also, is it possible to check whether or not ExhaustiveBits (or, really, any one individual Java method) exists, without crashing the game if it doesn't? I want to write some mod scripts that will use the ExhaustiveBits flags, but I don't want to crash other people's game if ExhaustiveBits is not installed.

Thanks in advance!


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#480   2018-11-13 07:01          
Almost there but as you found out (judging by the static cast to int) this function returns a float soo its no good for you the full call would be to get the address of the value and decode it as an int:
The clues would have been: LINK
And the comments in the
public static final int IndexedData_GearNumber = 0x20FC-0x304;
   //this is an int getIndexedData will return
     strange but the RawEdit.getI with getIndexedAddr will suffice
public static final int IndexedData_Flags = 0x70;//int

I dont know what your goal is with the flags but I found that access to this value is of a readonly manner as most of the flags the game updates each frame and invalidates any changes you try to force (though you can get interesting state indicators so to say, (whether the blinker is on, is the car running and some others)

As for checking function availability, you cant read arbitrary data from files so the actual function name is problematic but you can check for files present, ExhaustiveBits depends on the RawEdit class so you could check for
as a reasonable indicator, still if the game is not run with the Slrr_GI.exe you are hooped :/ I haven't made a way to detect that.
But there is no general check in the default game you can make to decide whether a function name is valid or not (or I dont know about it).

If I'm already writing I'll mention that I found a way to detect whether the car is flying or not (to be more precise I found a value in the WheelRef instance that is usually close to 0.0 when the car is in the air (it reports 0 if the game disables collision on the car (by the suspend command for example) it can also happen when the car is not moving so there is a constraint on it but its not that bad) :
WheelRef whl;
float sumPressure = 0.0;
for(int whl_i = 0; whl_i != 4; whl_i++)
	whl =;
	float toad = RawEdit.getF(whl.ptr+344);
	if(toad < 0)
		toad *= -1.0;
	sumPressure += toad;
if(sumPressure <= 0.001)
	//player car is probably flying...
	Vector3 carVel =;
	carVel.y = 0;
	if(carVel.length() > 5)
		//player car is most probably flying...