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Posts: 1211

Location: United States Arizona
Occupation: it's complicated... more complicated than my relationships
Age: 30
V$: 86310
#87621   2015-12-18 23:33          
# Phonexius : Hey guys. I got a tinny problem. In 3DS Max 2016 when I load the model of a rim and put the materials on it and export it as a 3DS to be able to open in 3DS Max 5, the rim gets transparent.....Does any1 have any tips how to fix that.
Try not to use 3DS, it screws things up. Also, you're going to have to re-make the materials in Max 5 either way; you need to have the materials made correctly in Max 5 in order for them to work in-game.

What does your materials menu look like?

# PolarBearDrifts : How do you even make cars? I'm new to this so can someone help me out please?
Making a car is probably too intense for a starting project. Try making some rims or brakes or something.

(I started with parts for Robban_9000's Ford Sierra, which only really worked because I knew how scripting was done already from making some smaller car edits, and he gave me the 3D sources.)