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Posts: 1211

Location: United States Arizona
Occupation: it's complicated... more complicated than my relationships
Age: 30
V$: 86310
#86414   2015-11-24 21:11          
Oh. Okay, I misunderstood the problem you were having. Sorry.

Okay: RID_GENERALBG is "Resource ID for the general background". This is a named constant that's defined somewhere in the java sources. You can define your own constants. Check these lines from my painter script:

	final static int RID_BACKGROUND = frontend:0x00C0r;
	final static int RID_BACKGROUND_RGB = frontend:0x0AC0r;

The top one was there originally; the second one is one I wrote. I edited frontend.rpk to create the entry with the ID "0x00000AC0", which is the background for the RGB mode in the painter. If you want multiple backgrounds, you're going to have to edit your frontend.rpk to add them in. (Remember to use resdecode/resconvert, obviously.)