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Posts: 1211

Location: United States Arizona
Occupation: it's complicated... more complicated than my relationships
Age: 30
V$: 86310
#83408   2015-09-27 06:16          
Nice, as always!
# KeeJay : So, you want me to add 3 more rims to pack? Sure!

Put the jokes aside. I though about it, and I think that I'll do LMs in all variants (normal, deep, deeper) only once, and you'll have to choose to have full-paintable ones, or chromed lip ones. Because, you know, I don't want to have whole catalog page with one rim.


What do you mean?
So, okay - if you make sure that the rim texture and UV map are set up such that the barrel is on one part of the texture, and the rim is on the other, you could have it so that you could change between a chrome lip and a paintable lip just by switching one texture file. The only thing that would have to change is the alpha channel of the texture. Skype me if you can't figure it out otherwise.

Alternatively, I could get off my lazy butt and make myself some fully paintable BBS LM's instead, and you can just do chrome lip / paintable center. :P