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Posts: 1211

Location: United States Arizona
Occupation: it's complicated... more complicated than my relationships
Age: 30
V$: 86310
#82383   2015-09-11 18:32          
# Macela94 : Is there a possible to have different plates on 2 cars with this mod:


What I mean, example:

Car 1: EU plate
Car 2: EU plate (with different letters) the sane time
# Jesus Christ : possible? yes, but it would require a couple of hours of work rpk/scripting/textures to get it done.
Couple hours? I did it in probably under 20 minutes. :P You mean something like this, right? *LINK*

I'll ask BB93 for permission to release it.

Added 3 minutes later:

# dxg1997 : Awesome! It worked! What all did you do in the cfg? (BTW, thanks for getting back about the SN95)
I can't even remember, it was a long time ago. I think I borrowed the exhaust pipes from another version of the mod, or something.