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Posts: 1211

Location: United States Arizona
Occupation: it's complicated... more complicated than my relationships
Age: 30
V$: 86310
#49563   2014-09-25 05:50          
# MADAZ_09 : man your work looks awesome! bigger than the commodore for sure!
p.s would you think about the angry tail lights for the drift feinds out there? they look so bad ass
Thanks! :) This? I think I will, because it's funny. :P Just one version (stock), though.

# stonedmonster : could you make a drift interior like stripped or just changeable dashes?
Responding to this, just so it gets answered: I'm going to keep most of the interior parts on the chassis, but I will have a few changeable interior bits, like the radio / AC / gauge unit, since that has no moving gauges. I'm also hopefully going to make some A-pillar gauges and some nicer roll cages than I've done in the past.