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Posts: 1211

Location: United States Arizona
Occupation: it's complicated... more complicated than my relationships
Age: 30
V$: 86310
#89069   2016-01-11 08:47          
# ThatBoostedGuy : I intended to be home the same day with the Mustang but unfortunately for my schedule, the Mustang's front left strut blew... So, while it was being fixed in a local shop, I set out on the hunt for some new rims. I had to raise the suspension after the repairs. The roads were so bad at a certain point and i didn't want to lose my exhaust.
Oh, wow, sorry to hear that. Check the receipts and stuff included with the car; doesn't matter much any more if you're not in town, but if it was installed wrong or something, I'd advise not going back to the shop that did it.
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