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Posts: 1211

Location: United States Arizona
Occupation: it's complicated... more complicated than my relationships
Age: 30
V$: 86310
#88937   2016-01-09 07:11          
By the way, finally ironed some handling issues out of the R33.

I replaced the 2.7 final drive with a 3.0, because the 2.7 was absurd and I literally never needed gears that tall, not to mention that it left the car in the most "nervous" part of the torque band most of the time. Plus, the theoretical geared top speed of 250MPH or so was ludicrous, and was taunting me. Better not even to think about that too hard.

Also, I went with stiffer front springs, balanced out front and rear sway bars (before, the rear was a lot heavier), and adjusted damping. The car now handles like a competent performer, not the twitchy straight-line demon it was before.

I think I have my pride and joy back in top form! (Well, as long as I can get over being afraid of something happening to it while it's parked somewhere, or getting crashed into.)
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