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Bigg Boss93

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#41   2018-01-12 13:13          
# ALAN : I'm afraid proper AA isn't really possible with ReShade

^ As someone said a long time ago, that's untrue and homosexual. It isnt possible if you're using the current crappy AA shading systems.

But one that knows how that shit works can implement AMD's own DX AA, which is an open source officially released by them on GitHub.

And dont be scared, it's going to apply directly to the game, thus it'll work for both AMD and Nvidia gpus the same exact way.

PS: adding anisotropic filtering too wouldnt be bad, loads of AMD own shaders can be found on GitHub.
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#42   2018-01-12 13:36          
whoa masive thread loving it! keep up the good work!


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#43   2018-01-12 14:50          
How can I make this work for le bb93[..]
I dont know which version you are talking about do you have a link?; this: LINK version works with the mwm version of the mod: LINK I downloaded the game from the first link decompressed it, and copied the files from the other link to the root of the game, it did what it should:

I'm afraid proper AA isn't really possible with ReShade
AA is such a preference thing, I'm in the group that cant really tell the difference between methods(well the results) so I'm not qualified to decide if one is better than the other but maybe something is off(like I'm seeing something else on my end), here is a comparison picture(isnt this how AA should look like (I mean the mathematical definition suggests this is how it should work))

I could not find this "DX AA" are you thinking of SSAA (LINK) perhaps? This(rather these) (I just skimmed the source so correct me if I'm wrong) works with a larger render target than the actual backbuffer meaning it renders the scene in some obscenely large resolution than downsamples this huge picture to fit the target resolution well this cant really be called AA I mean it cheats :) it bruteforces an image with insane resolutions on which of course the human eye cant se the aliasing and than blurs it down. The other thing it suggests is using multisampling (in device params) which is known to mess up reshade(LINK) (and any other postprocess-injector (as I read))

But a simple google search shows that people do have a problem with reshade and AA so it is an ever present problem I dont know, I'm probably not the one who will solve this :/

As for the reflection and the turned around camera:
I can see what you mean, but the current hack was so simple to implement I could not resist I just feed the backbuffer that is saved for the postprocessing as the texture that is given for the reflections. Your idea would include figuring out in reshade when the game switches viewports and switching (and creating) rendertargets accordingly furthermore implementing a viewport ingame which is invisible (out of the screen) and always points opposite to where the camera is looking I mean it is not impossible but this would be so involved... People have problem installing this one simple feature needed ingame for the current reshade(the reporting of the car speed) this would modify well a lot more I expect..
But anyhow the source code is there for everything go at it I would be intrigued to see the results.

Bigg Boss93

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#44   2018-01-12 16:08          
DX as for directX-injected antialiasing, you can find their supersampling method online(i remember i had found some scripts and stuff) :D

Added 3 minutes later:

Btw, i have mixed your to mines, in case someone still want the camera tilt etc.


This post was edited by Bigg Boss93 (2018-01-12 18:22, ago)
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)


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#45   2018-01-12 16:26          
Oh nice of you :) you have a plus "]track_for_amilmand_5777.rar" at the end of the link thou should be:

Bigg Boss93

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#46   2018-01-12 18:22          
# amilmand : Oh nice of you :) you have a plus "]track_for_amilmand_5777.rar" at the end of the link thou should be:

Fixed it, thanks for making me notice so :D

Added 1 minute later:

# DHR : Also why did you remove the noclip camera mode?

Oh so that's why i couldnt go tru the walls anymore lol

Added 32 minutes later:

Hey, are you able, with one of your magic tools, to merge multiple V3 scxes? I'm trying to finish an old map project but the game just doesnt accept more than 345ground meshes and 11 renders(or generally 46 meshes), and i have lost the complete max file so i cant re-export stuff >.<

This post was edited by Bigg Boss93 (2018-01-12 18:57, ago)
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)


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#47   2018-01-12 18:58          
# Bigg Boss93 : Btw, i have mixed your to mines, in case someone still want the camera tilt etc.

I did a similar thing; I basically added all of the lost features back in.
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#48   2018-01-12 18:58          
I removed the noclip because if you flip the car the camera goes through the ground which annoys me to no end.
(But its just the camera flag so the line:
cam = new GameRef( map, GameRef.RID_CAMERA, pos.toString() + "," + yTemp.toString() + ",0x02, 1.0,0, 0.01", "external track cam" );
cam = new GameRef( map, GameRef.RID_CAMERA, pos.toString() + "," + yTemp.toString() + ",0x13, 1.0,0, 0.01", "external track cam" );
in my version of
(the first one allows the camera to go through anything))

Added 2 minutes later:

Bigg Boss93:
[..]merge multiple V3 scxes?
Probably post them I'll see what I can do (post the .texes aswell than I can merge those aswell).

This post was edited by amilmand (2018-01-12 19:08, ago)

Bigg Boss93

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#49   2018-01-12 19:19          
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)


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#50   2018-01-12 20:16          
This is a program that merges scxs in the same directory as the program is.
Try and see if it reindexes the textures properly or not.

Bigg Boss93

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#51   2018-01-12 20:33          
It does partially work, aka, i merged the stuff and it works alright ingame, bar the UV2 and UV3, it only keeps the UV1, do you manage fixing that?

Thanks a lot in advance
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#52   2018-01-12 20:49          
Hmm that is strange the data stays there (I mean the UVs) I uploaded a new one try that (LINK) (I changed the handling of the UnkownMapIndices)

Added 31 minutes later:

Also there was an update in the reshade-shaders github concerning the Antialias shaders
there is a newer version on there (LINK)
I also uploaded only the new AA shaders: LINK 
maybe they addressed the issues you are having if not you can always check the reshade forums I didn't modify reshade too much the
info there should be mostly(regarding AA surely) relevant (LINK)
but keep in mind this version of reshade for slrr is based on reshade 3.0

Added 1 hour 24 minutes later:

I read up on this AA issue: the GPU side MultiSampling (including SuperSampling) needs to be disabled to properly make a depth stencil replacement and get the needed DepthTexture for the depth dependent post-process effects (AO, DoF) so thats that either MultiSampling or AO, DoF and post-process AA this has been the case for a long time so I dont expect it will change in the near future (especially for d3d9).

This post was edited by amilmand (2018-01-12 22:45, ago)

Bigg Boss93

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Location: Italy - Sardegna
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#53   2018-01-12 23:23          
I see, that's something i didnt know..

Btw, i tried the new tool, same issue as before.

Now i'm not sure if it's not setting the UVS correctly or just using a single self-illumination texture rather than the correct ones, here's a pic(i tried it with the single meshes and they do work right, but once you put them together you get this);

As you can see, both toolbox and lift have effed up shadowmap
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)


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#54   2018-01-13 00:46          
Can you give me the textures aswell? It seems I need to test this ingame.


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#55   2018-01-13 01:11          
just a question is there a way you can script a trigger in box aspect instead of radial aspect like SLRR does?
It would be really cool for great precision scripting races


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#56   2018-01-13 01:14          
BB <3


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#57   2018-01-13 01:26          
[..]box aspect instead of radial aspect[..]
Can you elaborate on that :/ I dont really know what you mean.
Like a proper finishline?


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#58   2018-01-13 01:35          
Well SLRR triggers are done in radial size, which isn't really accurate, sometimes you can miss a sector/finish point because you pass a bit off of the radius of the trigger, but if triggers have a way to script them in a box aspect we can avoid that. I hope I've been more clear

Added 1 minute later:

triggers like garage triggers on valo, because I script races using that way because allows me to create more functional things!


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#59   2018-01-13 01:54          
I see, well I see two ways you can implement that for the hackish way you can approximate the box with some smaller triggers with smaller radius (replacing the faces of the box maybe) but this sounds very hackish I would only consider this because multithreading in slrr is very very (very very) dangerous and can easily result in silent crashes,
the other would involve manually checking each like 5 frames (from another script thread) whether the car is in an arbitrary 3D box, your best bet in this case is defining the box in terms of its width height and depth and also two transformations a translation and a YawPitchRoll if you have the box like that you can inverse transform the point(with built in functions Vector3.rotate) you want to check (you will get the point in the boxes space(where the box is centered in (0,0,0) and its rotation is (0,0,0))) and you can use the trivial axisaligned origin centered box case (6 conditionals (whether its x < width/2 && x > -width/2 ... )))

Added 22 minutes later:

That check would look something like this: (I didnt test this thou)
public static int PointInBox(Vector3 boxSize, Vector3 boxPosition, Ypr boxYpr, Vector3 point)
	Vector3 p = new Vector3(point);
	p.rotate(new Ypr(0,0,-boxYpr.r));
	p.rotate(new Ypr(0,-boxYpr.p,0));
	p.rotate(new Ypr(-boxYpr.y,0,0));
	if(p.x > -boxSize.x/2.0 && p.x < boxSize.x/2.0 && 
		 p.y > -boxSize.y/2.0 && p.y < boxSize.y/2.0 && 
		 p.z > -boxSize.z/2.0 && p.z < boxSize.z/2.0)
		return 1;
	return 0;
Mind you the point above we give as the position of the box is its center.

This post was edited by amilmand (2018-01-13 02:16, ago)


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#60   2018-01-13 02:41          
Sorry if this has been asked before or if it's not right to ask, but what causes the invalid wear error? I just lost the progress of a 3-hour session of doing night races and progressing through the story and lost it all to that error. Is it known and can I prevent it somehow?

I'm a noob :3


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#61   2018-01-13 02:52          
This is the first I hear of it how did it happen?

Added 10 minutes later:

Aaand also how did you lose all the progress? The game should autosave when you go out to races or to the dealers.
(if it crashed during saving your cars should be in the save/temp directory and the main file should be intact in the original save/carrer/<profile name>)

This post was edited by amilmand (2018-01-13 03:02, ago)


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#62   2018-01-13 05:32          
I updated the links under the SlrrExhaustive Bits
and also the patchlink for SlrrExhaustive (LINK)
There is a new option (DynamicReflection_HaltAfterFirstReflectingSurface) which if active saves the backbuffer before the first object is drawn in the scene with reflection enabled and uses that as the environment map this solves the self reflection but it is a bigger "cut" it makes so the things with reflection do not get reflected this includes other cars aswell:

With DynamicReflection_HaltAfterFirstReflectingSurface == 0

With DynamicReflection_HaltAfterFirstReflectingSurface == 1

Added 17 minutes later:

Additionally the reflected picture will not have the reshade effects on it (you can see the trees are not blurred by the DoF on the top left corner of the gray car in the second picture)

This post was edited by amilmand (2018-01-13 05:49, ago)

Holy Shit Man

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#63   2018-01-13 10:32          
Is there a way to make reflections trigger by reflection maps and not specular? On some cars you can find perfect glossy interiors


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#64   2018-01-13 13:10          
# amilmand : This is the first I hear of it how did it happen?

Added 10 minutes later:

Aaand also how did you lose all the progress? The game should autosave when you go out to races or to the dealers.
(if it crashed during saving your cars should be in the save/temp directory and the main file should be intact in the original save/carrer/<profile name>)
It happened when I was about to face the 20th position of the Green Slip club. My problem was that I was still in my very first session of night races after doing tons of daytime races. I think it didn't save because I haven't been to the garage once while battling my way to 20th. Error log only sad "Invalid wear!".

Also, what ALAN said, it's kind of annoying. It'd be nice if we could have different reflection maps to choose from. And the screenspace reflections make it look super weird, when things mirror on the car that could never possible be mirrored in that place.

Another thing I came to think about while playing was, that I'd love to add other cars and remove some that are there already, but it doesn't really work because of the prices (most cars I thought about adding are way too cheap in the catalog/showroom compared to the rest of the game due to the part prices).

Though I gotta say this is really fun to play, and pretty much the first version of SLRR that made me enjoy doing the campaign!

I'm a noob :3


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#65   2018-01-13 13:12          
These reflections actaully look much better than before and much more realistic
i'm not happy with mxao tho, looks too dark and in wrong places, i tried adjusting it but it did no good

"...he's a good boy, just as you'd expect from a shibe" -Bigg Boss93


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#66   2018-01-13 13:54          
# amilmand : I see, well I see two ways you can implement that for the hackish way you can approximate the box with some smaller triggers with smaller radius (replacing the faces of the box maybe) but this sounds very hackish I would only consider this because multithreading in slrr is very very (very very) dangerous and can easily result in silent crashes,
the other would involve manually checking each like 5 frames (from another script thread) whether the car is in an arbitrary 3D box, your best bet in this case is defining the box in terms of its width height and depth and also two transformations a translation and a YawPitchRoll if you have the box like that you can inverse transform the point(with built in functions Vector3.rotate) you want to check (you will get the point in the boxes space(where the box is centered in (0,0,0) and its rotation is (0,0,0))) and you can use the trivial axisaligned origin centered box case (6 conditionals (whether its x < width/2 && x > -width/2 ... )))

Added 22 minutes later:

That check would look something like this: (I didnt test this thou)
public static int PointInBox(Vector3 boxSize, Vector3 boxPosition, Ypr boxYpr, Vector3 point)
	Vector3 p = new Vector3(point);
	p.rotate(new Ypr(0,0,-boxYpr.r));
	p.rotate(new Ypr(0,-boxYpr.p,0));
	p.rotate(new Ypr(-boxYpr.y,0,0));
	if(p.x > -boxSize.x/2.0 && p.x < boxSize.x/2.0 && 
		 p.y > -boxSize.y/2.0 && p.y < boxSize.y/2.0 && 
		 p.z > -boxSize.z/2.0 && p.z < boxSize.z/2.0)
		return 1;
	return 0;
Mind you the point above we give as the position of the box is its center.

Wow thanks, but how do I implement it on trigger?


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#67   2018-01-13 14:05          
doge, set the AO to 1 or 2, it provides a very subtle amount.
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#68   2018-01-13 14:19          
tried still not as it should be

"...he's a good boy, just as you'd expect from a shibe" -Bigg Boss93

Bigg Boss93

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#69   2018-01-13 16:38          
# amilmand : Can you give me the textures aswell? It seems I need to test this ingame.

I gave a look at the merged SCX and the original one, i think i can tell that it is not reindexing the textures in the file itself, so they just load in the same order as they used to be originally, without following the new loading order.

But i may be wrong, so yeah, check it yourself too.
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#70   2018-01-13 18:39          
Might be a bit off topic, but since someone very informed and with the knowledge is here, could I ask you @amilmand , since I never finished my traffic mod, how could I make the fake racers and traffic spawn in random colors instead of just one? It always bugged me and reduced the variety of Valo. I asked around everywhere years ago and never found out.

Holy Shit Man

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#71   2018-01-13 18:50          
What if we replaced fake racers with cars/racers cars?

Bigg Boss93

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#72   2018-01-13 19:02          
The game would blow up
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#73   2018-01-13 19:07          
Bigg Boss93:
[..] not reindexing [..]
It should thou but I will look into it tonight.

[..]how do I implement it on trigger?
It wouldnt be a trigger those are coded in the core exe (It would be way too hard to modify that behaviour)
You would have to create a new class that implements the Runnable interface (in java) and run a new thread that checks with the function I posted whether a checkpoint is triggered and then notify your Track script of the event with a function call.
Take a look at the in SlrrExhaustive.

[..]glossy interiors
Explore the customisation options more. You can set the ReflectionStrengthOverride to 0 and you would get... well, the original reflection strength that is set in the .scx
It is triggered by reflection map only the objects which have an environment map set, will get their environment map overwritten.

[..]reflections make it look super weird
Again you can always disable the whole reflection thing and enjoy the original method.

[]..add other cars[..]
How do you mean(or where)? I thought you ment as in new mods but the comment about prices made me unsure.

Error log only sad "Invalid wear!"
Well this means what is says one of the parts somewhere had an invalid wear (a negative number) I'm surprised thou that the engine cant handle this (this either...)... I looked into the disassembly and this error can be reported(and all of them terminates the game immediately) at like 30 places they must have thought this to be a serious issue for some reason... I really dont know why thou... just fix the wear I mean get the abs of it..
I will look into fixing this in the next update.

I added another option to the reflection part of reshade and updated the relevant links (SlrrExhaustive Bits SlrrExhaustive Patch Link)
It adds the ability to blur the dynamic environment map:

[..]reflection maps to choose from[..]
I also added the ability to select a predefined environment map, the textures are located at reshadeFx\Textures\env_maps\
you can replace these files BUT! you have to update the texture definitions in the ReflectionSettings.fx to match the changes (resolution and/or format)
please stick to the .png fileformat. The predefined environment maps can not be blurred.

[..]traffic spawn in random colors[..]
This is tricky:
Firstly the texture you are using for the chassis of a traffic car must have transparency the "color" will be painted under the diffuse texture secondly I think this automatic random coloring only works with version 4 scx files also your mesh should be paintable but not like the car-parts thou it must define a second layer in its diffuse map (the diffuse should be a mix-map in 3dsmax) this second layer should be the diffuse texture the game will overwrite the first one with the color so that should remain empty.
Thirdly the renderRef definition in the rpk should have the flags set to "flags 459400.000" and the cfg line of the traffic car:
colors		16 0x00EEB621 0x00E3E3E3...
defines the colors (its ARGB) the first number is the number of colors defined on the line.
Also if you want the traffic car to have multiple parts (flopping doors) those should be attached with a stockpart line in the cfg.

Added 52 minutes later:

It should thou but I will look into it tonight.

I dont see a difference if I only add one model to the game or if I merge them I think the program is working as it should
Thou your shadow maps are not as you intended them I think; the alpha channel looks like this for the lr_smod_toolchest9_SM.tga

This suggests you saved it with 1bit alpha (a pixel is either visible or not) you want the inverse of the actual shadow map as the alpha channel in 8bits
if you update the shadow maps it should be good.

This post was edited by amilmand (2018-01-13 19:59, ago)


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#74   2018-01-13 20:14          
Just found out how to remove the reflections, sorry ^^'

By adding other cars I meant that I was thinking about adding other cars to thr game, but I am not able to adjust the prices of each single part according to the cars that are there already

I'm a noob :3

Bigg Boss93

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#75   2018-01-13 20:16          
Ugh what, those shadowmaps just work right if i dont merge the meshes... wtf? :D

Added 10 minutes later:

# Bigg Boss93 :

this is what it looks until i merge the stuff(mind this is missing the render meshes, so all the colored stuff around)

This post was edited by Bigg Boss93 (2018-01-13 20:26, ago)
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#76   2018-01-13 20:28          
By adding other cars[..]
Hmm I'm sorry to be this dull but I still dont really get what you want to do
but if I get it right you want to mix up the cars appearing in career mode.
Well the order of the ladder (the night races) is set when you start a new career the cars are sorted by their max horse power.
In the tournaments usually you get opponents that are near you in the Valocity ladder (or ones who are at the top of your club) this you can mix up:
First make sure you installed the latest patch (LINK) after that you can edit the sl\Scripts\game\src\
on line 31 at the end there is a literal (5) if you are this close to be the top racer the game will instead of selecting from the ladder will generate random opponents for you if you set this to like 400 you will get random opponents always (in the tournaments).
The same should be done on line 143

Sorry if I missed your point again :/


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#77   2018-01-13 20:32          
No, it wasn't it. I'm bad at explaining. It's my idea to put cars into the game that are not there. I'd like to put my own car mods into the game. But if I do, they'll be way too cheap to buy and likely OP. I would also like to remove some cars (because of terrible models) but I don't know if it would kinda break the game. Hope I got it more understandable right now ^^'

I'm a noob :3


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#78   2018-01-13 20:43          
Bigg Boss93:
[..]shadowmaps just work right[..]
Ok lets stick to one model and we can figure this out:
Put the unmerged model: lr_smod_toolchest_02_00.scx ingame as you would the merged (also how are you doing that as a RenderRef from script?)
using the lr_smod_toolchest_02_00_SM.tga as the second texture and give me picture.
When I do it I get this:(disabled everything to avoid incompatibility with reshade or anything)

In the rpk I tried removing the flags line also tried setting it to 2048.000, 459400.000, 1160.000 it always looks like this (and this is how it should look when you check the alpha channel for the corresponding secondlayer texture) Maybe you can force slrr to combine the textures by multiplying and that is what you are doing but I have no clue how.

Added 14 minutes later:

my own car mods[..]
It is a mighty quest doing that but it is far from impossible so firstly you would need to stick to a one rpk out one rpk in method so that you wont get over the rpk limit.
The rpk load-order is burnt into the GameLogic.LoadInOrder() so you will have to modify that function to get a different rpk to load.
I reference racer rpks directly in these classes: (the list may be incomplete)
You would have to remove the references from these calsses if you want to remove a car.
In the I use the RacerLookup class to get the dummy car definition for cars to place as dummies into the city during career you would have to edit this part because there is not much error checking generally you should integrate the car to the RacerLookup class (I get the default HP in there aswell)
Also the game expects that all the cars define the following slots:
slot [..] 572 ; Rear Neon
slot [..] 573 ; Left Neon
slot [..] 574 ; Right Neon
slot [..] 575 ; Front Neon
slot [..] 1323 ; RoofScoop
slot [..] 1324 ;DecorMuffel_1
slot [..] 1325 ;DecorMuffel_2
slot [..] 5024 ; FrontLeftRollPrevention
slot [..] 5025 ; FrontLeftRollPrevention
slot [..] 5026 ; FrontLeftRollPrevention
slot [..] 5027 ; FrontLeftRollPrevention

I think after these the game should accept the new car but if not I'll would probably be able to point you to the right direction from an errorlog

This post was edited by amilmand (2018-01-13 20:57, ago)

Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#79   2018-01-13 21:44          
After a small research i can tell you that it's using(when you merge all the toolboxes in one file) the texture lr_smod_toolchest_05_00_01_SM.tga instead than one for each toolbox(as it is when they're not merged).

So the tool isnt, as i said before, reindexing the textures.

I'm gonna do some hex editing and see if i manage manually reindexing, in order to make them follow the correct loading order, and let you know what i come up with.

ps: it does index properly the diffuse textures but not the self-illumination ones, it only picks the last one(i have checked and verified that it happens exactly the same in all the merged files) and applies it to all the materials.

Added 21 minutes later:

Nevermind, i'm just struggling to understand V3's structure, besides from reflection amount, specular level, specular color and material color... fml

Added 10 minutes later:

I went on with tests, i only kept the ground mesh and the merged toolchest one, changed the loading order, it was supposed to show different textures ingame but nope, it only works if i change the 2nd texture in the loading order, let me show you

Added 9 minutes later:

Stock loading order after merging:

loading order after first edit:

loading order after second edit:

So in short, it isnt re-indexing the self-illumination textures, it's only applying one for all the materials in the scene(contrary to what i said before, it's the first from the top, the lr_smod_toolchest9_SM.tga)

Sorry if i'm spamming your thread, thanks for the help

Added 1 minute later:

I wish V3 materials had the same hex coords as V4 ones, you know, the 06 ##(where ## stands for the number of the texture in the loading order, 00 is the first and so on)

This post was edited by Bigg Boss93 (2018-01-13 22:28, ago)
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)


Posts: 259

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#80   2018-01-13 22:45          
Ok I uploaded the original again I think in my definition the self illumination texture index would be one of the "unkown" ones i reapplied the reindexing to those aswell in the link (LINK) see if that does what it should.