Holden Commodore (VE)
by RedCarDriver and Bigg Boss93
Original Models by Turn 10 Studios
(Forza Motorsport 4)
and Tigon Studios
(Vin Diesel: Wheelman)
and Squir
and EFFalcon
I'll keep this short, since I've kept you all waiting for a long time.
Includes LOTS of versions and body kits.
Download link below.
Promotional screenshots are available here (56MB).
MODZONA RE-UPLOADER!: Use these pictures for your page, or else look at them before taking your own pictures.
Oh, one other thing: Don't flood the Bigg Boss93 / Jaziba competition with Commodores - I have another competition in mind once that one finishes.
2. Posted by Bigg Boss93 2014-03-19 12:39
VSTANCED HD PLATES 2.0 with AU(stralia) plates
3. Posted by pascallll 2014-03-19 16:25
Awesome mod, thank you so much! Almost feels like christmas.
4. Posted by nhbdjkmnf 2014-03-19 17:11
error !JVM::assignmentConversion: typecast failed (Ljava.game.parts.rgearpart.reciprocatingrgearpart.Wheel;)Ljava.lang.GameType; in file "java.game.Catalog" at line 1307
5. Posted by RedCarDriver 2014-03-19 21:53
Marco and I think we've found the problem with the rims.
Instead, it needs to be:There is an extra space in every rim java file:
The mod file will be updated shortly. In the meantime, this should be easy enough to fix manually.
6. Posted by RedCarDriver 2014-03-19 21:55
HOTFIX 1 (2014-03-19): Fixed a small typo in rim javas. Also updated readme file.
7. Posted by PzyDuck 2014-03-19 22:12
Were is the fix? :p
8. Posted by Morpheus Hell 2014-03-19 22:18
weird.. fixed all rim javas bymyslef.. but error shows the same anyways.. sadly. Maybe another prob? can´t open the rpk with BORAT too..
9. Posted by PzyDuck 2014-03-19 22:19
Nope.. same error
"!JVM::assignmentConversion: typecast failed (Ljava.game.parts.rgearpart.reciprocatingrgearpart.Wheel;)Ljava.lang.GameType; in file "java.game.Catalog" at line 1311"
10. Posted by Morpheus Hell 2014-03-19 22:25
Ohh wait now the error is in line 1311 .. NOT in 1307
11. Posted by PzyDuck 2014-03-19 22:35
For me was always on 1311
12. Posted by RedCarDriver 2014-03-20 00:21
I still haven't had this error for myself yet.
Try removing a few rim packs or older car mods from your game, and see if that helps at all.
13. Posted by PzyDuck 2014-03-20 03:39
nope, remove all, and the error srill apear.. conflict with stock rims
14. Posted by hitman3695 2014-03-20 04:05
Where is the "325" Badge for the HSV?
15. Posted by RedCarDriver 2014-03-20 05:11
Gah, I was hoping no one would care.
Since there was a "307" for an older GTS and other similar number badges for other models, I figured the specific number value badge didn't matter much.
The mesh should already be in the meshes folder, in case you want to try scripting it in yourself. It doesn't use any special textures, just the reflection texture.
Since someone brought it up, I'll script it in the next time I make a patch.
16. Posted by Bigg Boss93 2014-03-20 14:46
got to be kidding, it has 61418624689646 parts and you want something more...?!
17. Posted by Morpheus Hell 2014-03-20 15:58
i´ve a fresh stage1 downloaded only 2 test the car.. still the same error.. so it is not a prob with other mods.. sadly. i wil lcheck it again now
18. Posted by RedCarDriver 2014-03-20 19:30
Alright, cool.
Someone on GOM said I forgot to apply the fix to rim_V8S_chrome, so try checking to make sure the java on that one is correct. I'll take a look later when I get a chance.
19. Posted by Bigg Boss93 2014-03-20 19:48
I just downloaded it, i'll check everything as soon as i get back home.
20. Posted by RedCarDriver 2014-03-21 01:14
PATCH 2 (2014-03-20): Fixed the rim bug for real (thanks Joealex!), moved the badges to the end of the stock body parts catalog rather than letting them clutter up the front, and added the "325 kW" badge to the HSV GTS E3. Get just the patch here (includes Hotfix 1), or download the whole car again.
21. Posted by nhbdjkmnf 2014-03-21 21:15
Thanks man for fix. Very good mod.
22. Posted by RedCarDriver 2014-03-22 18:12
PATCH 3 (2014-03-22): Fixes some click-related issues pointed out by Bigg Boss93. Download just the patch here, or download the whole car again.
23. Posted by cican 2014-03-24 01:06
emm,if i download the whole car today,it includes all of the patch right?
24. Posted by Bigg Boss93 2014-03-24 14:12
25. Posted by Balkanec 2014-03-25 15:10
Awsome mod. Thank's a lot.
Total : 31, on page: 25