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Sleepin mOnkey

Posts: 2459

Location: Japan Universe, Milky way ,Solar system, Earth
Occupation: Automotive engineer Student
Age: 33
V$: 14.750
#116438   2017-02-23 09:24          
LoL i think that one of the best feelings i got this year was when i felt in love at the Sc400 that on the beegining it was just an car that i'll beat the shit out of it but some cars just have this talent and i think that the S2k is one of these.

P.S: that's an very nice honda man
Roleplay: A engine Builder and tuner that lives in Japan and Builds cool stuff.
Cars: Corolla Levin coupe Tog/show car
180SX s13 350hp SR20DET 6MT Babe 1
Supra Sz JZA80 2jz-Gte Vvt-i 2000's Hotboi
240sx Vert HOTBOI 2