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Posts: 452

Location: Bulgaria , Texas
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#1   2014-07-25 23:33          
So I have a bumper that I want to use to replace another mesh. I want to replace Skylines' supra's bumper2 with my own. First I imported bumper 2 in zmod and aligned my bumper to be the exact same size and place as his. Then I set it up to use the same material as his. After that I got it into 3ds max and again set up the material (by watching David S' tutorial) along with the object name. I exported it as v4 and opened the .tex. Got all the correct texture id's and edited the .rdb/rdk for the load order. However in game I can't see the bumper. I can purchase and install it fine but I can't see it. What am I doing wrong here?

Just in case here is the .tex

and here is the .rdb

and the cfg if needed

Jesus Christ

Posts: 2977

Location: United Kingdom
Occupation: Turning water into protein
Age: 33
#2   2014-07-26 11:56          
can you do one thing for me, go back to your max model right before export, scale it up to 1000 export and see if you can see it in game, if not revert the scaling and scale it up 10000 and re-export again.

it sounds like your mesh is either TOO small or TOO big to be see in game, if I remember correctly zmon downscales the mesh 10000x times on import.
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Location: Bulgaria , Texas
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#3   2014-07-26 12:12          
Oh man thanks a lot. I knew it had to be something wrong with the export since the scripts are on point.
But now there is another issue. The bumper is 180 rotated on the Y axis (even thought I rotated it to fit the original bumper in zmod, but zmod probably fucked it up). The scale and the placement are too. Now how can I get a correct scale without changing it and experimenting and how do I fix the position? I think I did something wrong. What I did was enter edit poly mode and select effect pivot only and moved the pivot to the coordinates which are in the main.cfg, at least this is what i saw in David S' tutorial. I think it might do something with local axes, since this is what causes things like this in san andreas. It's probably the pivot though.

Here is a picture (please ignore the bad materials and broken mesh lol)

Added 12 minutes later:

Turns out I was getting the wrong numbers (from main.cfg) I got the ones from the bumper's cfg and it kinda works. Can I get a correct scale somehow or do I need to test and fail to find the right one?

This post was edited by DHR (2014-07-26 12:30, ago)

Bigg Boss93

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#4   2014-07-26 14:01          
the precise z3d to slrr scale(you must do it on 3ds max) is 10025
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O

Jesus Christ

Posts: 2977

Location: United Kingdom
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Age: 33
#5   2014-07-26 14:09          
yup just scale it up/down in max till you get it right :) BB seems to know the correct scale.. I knew it was around 10k.
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Posts: 452

Location: Bulgaria , Texas
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#6   2014-07-26 14:13          
# Bigg Boss93 : the precise z3d to slrr scale(you must do it on 3ds max) is 10025

I kinda adjusted the scale by trial and error to 8340. Also had to make up my own numbers the same way to move it to the correct place, the ones from the .cfg were close. Now the problem I am having is I can't get the materials correctly.
The bumper is paintable but it looks bad and can't put decals on it. I use the original load order, but even if I edit it (delete the lines with the textures im not using since I use the same textures as original bumper) it's still the same.

Pics from max.

Added 1 hour 37 minutes later:

The placement is fine but whatever I do I can't get the materials to look right. I found some old tutorials but the pics aren't loading and I must be doing some mistake... The bumper has absolutely no reflections or specular lightning and the colors are not saturated at all.

Added 12 minutes later:

The last thing I did was open the material editor

spec 100
gloss 40
diffuse is mix - default_red.png
paint.png copied Alpha Mono
reflection 70 - reflectionimage.png

all these textures are in the .tex and in the rpk

This post was edited by DHR (2014-07-26 16:04, ago)

Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#7   2014-07-26 16:10          
WOOT WOOT, too much of everything, also you better use bitmap instead of mix on paintable(diffuse), mix is not used anyways.

I suggest you to keep the reflection at about 15-20, not more not less.
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O


Posts: 452

Location: Bulgaria , Texas
Occupation: DHR
#8   2014-07-26 16:20          
# Bigg Boss93 : WOOT WOOT, too much of everything, also you better use bitmap instead of mix on paintable(diffuse), mix is not used anyways.

I suggest you to keep the reflection at about 15-20, not more not less.

I use 'mix' when I click on diffuse so I can get the menu where I can put 3 textures, for which I use bitmap when I select them

Added 1 hour 19 minutes later:

This is the tutorial I followed.

Added 49 minutes later:

Not using mix and just one bmp (paint.png) seems to have made it a lot better, but still the color is weird and decals aren't working. The reflections are very weird too.

This post was edited by DHR (2014-07-26 18:29, ago)

Jesus Christ

Posts: 2977

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Age: 33
#9   2014-07-26 19:26          
are you sure you have it mapped? you need to do a UVW mapping on the colour texture for it to be paintable properly and work as it should.
Why be a KING when you can be a GOD?!


Posts: 452

Location: Bulgaria , Texas
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#10   2014-07-26 19:46          
# Jesus Christ : are you sure you have it mapped? you need to do a UVW mapping on the colour texture for it to be paintable properly and work as it should.


Added 1 hour 52 minutes later:

If I try to put a paintjob on it in game the paintjob texture works as a reflection, Very weird since i put the paint texture as diffuse and an env map/chrome texture/any kind of reflection texture as reflection...

wtf can't upload pics to the site's server

This post was edited by DHR (2014-07-26 21:39, ago)

Jesus Christ

Posts: 2977

Location: United Kingdom
Occupation: Turning water into protein
Age: 33
#11   2014-07-27 12:40          
are you sure you're loading order is correct? are you sure you did the mapping on the PAINT texture?
Why be a KING when you can be a GOD?!


Posts: 452

Location: Bulgaria , Texas
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#12   2014-07-27 12:55          
# Jesus Christ : are you sure you're loading order is correct? are you sure you did the mapping on the PAINT texture?

yes, the mapping is done for the paint texture (on both uv channel 1 and 2) the uv works in games like san andreas and gta iv (on the same bumper).

Here is my loading order. I tried it in different ways too but still no result.

texture 0x000000AB - paint.png
texture 0x00020025 - default_red.png
texture 0x000000A5 - odleskchassis.png (reflection)

all the other bumpers use these textures (and more)

I tried it with 0x00020025 on top too but no difference


Posts: 483

Location: Puerto Rico
#13   2014-07-27 13:02          
default_red.png is texture 0x00020024

add it to in cfg of bumper

Jesus Christ

Posts: 2977

Location: United Kingdom
Occupation: Turning water into protein
Age: 33
#14   2014-07-27 13:05          
what blast said :) 20025 is white.
Why be a KING when you can be a GOD?!


Posts: 452

Location: Bulgaria , Texas
Occupation: DHR
#15   2014-07-27 13:15          
Thanks a lot guys!!! I think I got it confused since the other bumper.tex files had default_RED, all of them.

What I did now is use Mix on diffuse - 1- paint.png, 2- default_white.png, 3- paint.png Mono Alpha

Jesus Christ

Posts: 2977

Location: United Kingdom
Occupation: Turning water into protein
Age: 33
#16   2014-07-27 13:37          

here are my 3 materials.. paint, window glass and headlight glass.

textures are in the folder too so just assign them to the correct places and you'll have what you need, then put them in the material library and you'll be able to load them up when ever you need.
Why be a KING when you can be a GOD?!


Posts: 452

Location: Bulgaria , Texas
Occupation: DHR
#17   2014-07-27 14:26          
Thanks so much to everyone that helped me. My project is finally finished thanks to this bumper. If anyone wants it pm me. Will post pics soon in show off of the finished car.