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Posts: 1

Location: Argentina
#97648   2016-04-13 18:19          
Hello Vstanced users!

well, i'm starting converting wheels from others games, and I only used the .RPK creator but i can't edit the .RPK manually (i'm thinking convert cars more later and i need to know the function of these lines for textures, scripts, etc)

<FILE 00000001.res >
typeof 7 ------------- I Don't know what is his function, the nÂș7 define is for particles?
superid 0x00030003 ------------------------- I can modify the ID how i want or this line got a specific ID?
typeid 0x00000001 ------------------------- I can modify or got a specific ID?
alias mesh
isparentcompatible 1.0
<FILE 00000001.rsd >
sourcefile parts\CarlosJDM\Meshes\rim_01.SCX

Sorry my bad english :awesome: