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Posts: 322

Location: Belgium
Occupation: STB
Age: 37
V$: 45000
#93886   2016-03-04 03:51          
# Harrison15 : VStanced administration isn't in charge of who gets "VIP" mods. It's not like they're being given out by anyone running the "VIP Secret Society". Most modders who distribute "VIP" mods aren't even on here; usually those mods are passed around privately on Facebook or VK private messaging.

im aware of what a vip and a wip is and also of how vips are given ( to trusted people ) there for i asked a special place on the forum where modders can hand out mods to only those who are on the website for a longer time ... for example: im on here for an avarage long time ( i think 3 to 4 years ), it's common sence that i know how biss goes and when something is given to me in trust i wont give it away, people like me can be added to that part of the forum so i can download a mod wich a guy who is on the site for only a month or so can't download.
Burning rubber since i'm not allowed to burn houses

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