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Posts: 36
Location: United States Los Angeles
Occupation: Re-Lipping & Re-Barreling Wheels
Age: 28
#91565   2016-02-16 22:15          
# Bigg Boss93 : Well nope, there's no need to lock or delete any topic(the owner could anyways decide to post there).

So a short brief of the rules i like(and that are 80% sure going to be the official rules):

- Each user can have max 1 thread for his RP builds

- The thread must be named with this format: User name - Current character name, Age(year), Current location | example: Bigg Boss93 - Marco Bibbì, '93, Pudsey

- The player/user who chooses to restart his RP with another character will have to edit thread's title from the first post accordingly to the new data

- No money nor time limits, people will be free to follow the roleplay style they prefer(such as one day full spec builds), remember that a good roleplayer knows how to manage his "money" and builds accordingly and that not all the 1 day long builds are ugly nor all the 3 months builds are good(some will be able to amaze you in one day and some others will bother you for 3 months). There will certainly be a natural selection of the followed threads so no worries about that.

Any thoughts?

Sounds great! Good set of rules chosen.

T.I "Never Mind What Haters Say, Ignore 'Em Till They Fade Away"