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Posts: 561

Location: Japan ,South America, Planet Earth, Solar System, Milky Way,Universe.
Occupation: Trying to make an mod that work
Age: 23
V$: 12.750
#90523   2016-02-04 20:27          
So today the partshop that i work get empity all day long.So that means i worked on the mx5 all the day first i asked for some friends that are free to help me with the miata so with 5 guys+me working on the car he got some nice upgrades that i alone coudnt do or i will take 2 days but together we started at the 9am and stopped 4pm here the list of what we done in the car

Old Engine But new suspension

Engine unassambled and no pistons they were removed to change the rings



The engnine re-aassembled and getinng exactly 200hp

After this we dicided to go test he at the desert

That damage at the bumper wasnt me my firend dindnt see the pylar my luck was he was parking the car and he is the body master here at the shop

So after two hours my bumper was looking like new
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