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Posts: 4

Location: United States West Tennessee
Age: 25
#89571   2016-01-21 15:11          
I've been looking for a link to download the Vios/Belta/Yaris sedan. I own this car in real life, and I thought it would be cool to have a version in SLR:R to play around with. I found pictures of it in this post. I tried messaging the poster, but it's been 2 months and they still haven't responded. I also found a download link while searching for it, but it just led to this site's 404 page. Does anyone have a working download link to it? I would def. appreciate it if someone could share it with me.

# 420blazescope : Does anybody know of a way to smooth mouse movements? So when I'm recording a clip for a short edit or something, the movements dont look choppy?

There might not be a way to fix that, it's probably a side effect of recording itself. I've experienced it while recording as well.