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Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#87849   2015-12-23 09:31          
# doge : why do you keep posting same car similar angle again and again..
Not this again. What's your problem with people that post the same cars more than once or anyways do pictures always in the same angle? I remember you saying something like that for Hexorrr too.

Added 3 minutes later:

Ey papa - sick builds since 1995

Added 47 seconds later:

# KevinCH :

You know, i commonly appreciate your pics and your builds but... wtf is this thing? D:
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O