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Tom Diablo

Posts: 687

Location: Germany Autobahn 44
Occupation: Self-combustion
Age: 34
#86254   2015-11-22 07:39          
# TheSkidKid : That's actually a good idea though, like maybe even if it was locked and certain users who are known for realistic roleplays can post, but everyone can still view. Just an idea.

I thought of simple rules like:
-Take your time. Noone can restore a car in 3 days.
-Do some research about the car you want to build.
-Think over the engines you want to install in your car. A V10 in a Civic is just stupid.

Those who break these rules are not allowed to post for a certain time (Like a few weeks or so) but is still allowed to view. After that time (Real time of course) they are allowed to post again.

I can make up more rules if desired.

Diesel life
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