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Posts: 163

Location: Poland
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#85939   2015-11-17 08:32          
# TilemachosGRsilvia : When i apply decals on my cars the decals look like shit (almost on every car) anyone know how to fix this ? (MWM)

*LINK* this is the tutorial for that, if you wanna use external program.

It will be helpful for ingame skinning anyways.
*LINK* download this.
color the parts and save the paintjob. Now, go into save/paintjob or smthing like that and select all the paintjob files (search for the name you saved ingame with, for eg. CUSTOMPAINT1 files will look CUSTOMPAINT1.1 CUSTOMPAINT1.2 etc.) drag them into the tool window and click rename to jpg. DONT CLOSE THE TOOL WINDOW. Then, open the jpg files with your favourite graphic program and change the textures resolution from 512x512 to like 1024x1024. Some cars are UV-mapped worser than some others, and you'll have to change the resolution to 2048x2048. After that, click on "rename extension" in the tool window and open SLRR. Put your favourite decal on and enjoy. Tell me if you don't understand something.
SLRR is like a girl on a period. You never know what causes trouble. -Facepalm