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Tom Diablo

Posts: 687

Location: Germany Autobahn 44
Occupation: Self-combustion
Age: 34
#85740   2015-11-14 11:34          
# pinter03 : Well, since my Golf broke down i decided to sell it, sadly the project car got stolen too. That why i decided to buy A NEW DAILY! (WTF, everyones car get stolen, maybe we should start a security system or something, "Valo Car Security lol)
The only thing is that theres no good import or american muscle cars in my area, i was wondering if someone could help me import an old Datsun or maybe a 200sx S14.
Gee, looks like I have to double check the locks in my garage.

I could ask my buddy in Japan if he could ask around. A S-Chassis is popular enough that I can make you a fair deal. Don't know about a Datsun but maybe Ryo can do something about that as well.

Diesel life
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