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Posts: 15

Location: Russia
Age: 27
#85292   2015-11-05 14:14          
# mindeliszz : you need this for a starter :D LINK (2.2.1MWM required)
Thanks for the answer)
But you could help to change myself physics through the files ShockAbsorber, Spring, Tyre?
I don't know that in them it is necessary to change and as it will affect behavior of a suspension bracket ((
Please help me to change physics, I don't ask to do it for me, but I want that you helped me.
I know that you very well understand in physics of SLRR, you only who can help me :)

P.S Please)))) :)

Added later:

# mindeliszz : you need this for a starter :D LINK (2.2.1MWM required)
Thanks for the answer)
But you could help to change myself physics through the files ShockAbsorber, Spring, Tyre?
I don't know that in them it is necessary to change and as it will affect behavior of a suspension bracket ((
Please help me to change physics, I don't ask to do it for me, but I want that you helped me.
I know that you very well understand in physics of SLRR, you only who can help me :)

P.S Please)))) :)