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Posts: 1476
Location: United States
Occupation: Certified GM Mechanic
Age: 26
V$: sure
#82150   2015-09-07 22:33          
# Tom Diablo : Just spoke to him and he has some red full paint bumpers in stock. *gives phone number* I've talked him into giving you a discount and he kinda relies on you spreading around the word. Ryo was talking about exporting parts into the US since a lot of japanese made cars are driving around there. I'm not sure about a roof spoiler but he has a "regular" aftermarket spoiler.

Thanks man. Just talked to him and got the red bumpers on their way by air. However, I had an idea. I might be able to get a spoiler meant for the bottom of the trunk and fit it to the top... idk, still thinking about it xD
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