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Holy Shit Man

Posts: 2554

Location: Poland
Occupation: Faking skills like a pro
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#80036   2015-08-06 16:03          
# NikiLauda : How to move bots (cars) in Pudsey map ? I'm using LE2BB93
In map's .java, I guess.

# ErviDesigns : Does any one know how to fix jagged edges whilst in game on a MACBOOK?
a) your GPU driver settings (forcing highest possible AA)
b) using some ENB

# qevin : LINK Hey hey hey. Does someone know how to erase these "squares" from the lights? thanks
What do you mean?

# NikiLauda : Does someone knows how to make the fuel and the A/F ratio tuneable in the engines ? With GM V8 engines it's not possible.
I guess you need to take some .java file lines from other engine that the A/F ratio is tunable, and paste it into GM V8's carburetors/fuel injectors .java files.

# Modder-N1k3 : Hi, my slrr editor wont work properly, it shows me this when i try to edit engine blocks. What to do ?
1. Problem with .Net Frameworks
2. You're probably using shitty mods
3. Do you have resconvert.exe and resdecode.exe in SLRR's main directory?
4. Do you have SLRReditor.exe in SLRR's main directory?

# Modder-N1k3 : How to make cars , parts mods ?
It's long way to do any mods for SLRR. First, you need to learn how does .rpk files work, then, what's Java and how to use it, and then - easy part - .cfg files.
It's only about SLRR itself, you also need to learn how to use 3DS Max 5 (3D modelling program, in only which you can export meshes in SLRR's format).