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Posts: 15

Location: Finland
Occupation: Trying to succesfully slam a RX7 FC
Age: 27
#78600   2015-07-20 11:05          
So while I was driving around in my Kolf the new daily, I found a M3 E36 on sale, the car looked pretty bad and the owner said it had been left on the driveway and the handbrake ended up breaking due to overuse in handbrake turns (trying to attract ladies I presume) so the car rolled into a pole freely. After a little chat the owner said that this M3 is not your usual M3 and boy it isn't. In the engine bay there is a LS3 N/A engine which produces 357HP and has 439Nm of torque. And on that moment I decided that I have to have this M3, so I bought it for 1500$ and here she is

The car also has different colored parts which i'll end up painting black like the chassis, and I'll black out the headlights as well as the taillights, I might put the M3 spoiler on it but I'm not sure yet. I could use a engine experts help with the LS
Dat Low Life
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