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Posts: 1476
Location: United States
Occupation: Certified GM Mechanic
Age: 26
V$: sure
#68731   2015-03-31 23:13          
# Smokiegun : So guys i'm back with a huge update! I got back from the Auction because I stayed a night at the hotel and a guy left me a phone number on the Chevelle's window, and said to call him for a trade and cash, I was sad and glad at the same time, the guy traded me a Chevy Silverado for my Chevelle, I needed a truck for the shop anyways, and I also got a Hako C10 from the auction for a stunning price of $9,000 with the stock engine, which spits a bit, and Dxg I was curious if after I get my custom exhaust system for the Hako could you make a nice pipe for the car?

(I like how you named your pics The Fam) YEah man. Just stop by anytime. I also have the capability to do engine chip tuning.
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