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Posts: 1476
Location: United States
Occupation: Certified GM Mechanic
Age: 26
V$: sure
#65297   2015-03-04 23:53          
I think dark orange... Also, I was sitting in Algebra today, and some "Gangster" fuckwit black ass bitch with his pants around his ankles, sagging like he WANTED to get assfucked, came up to me and was like "eyy, wut sang u listn 2? Leme c!" and starts trying to turn the screen on my phone on by pressing the home buttons and such. I have an OLD ass phone, Droid Charge, and thats not how you turn it on. Only way is to press the power button on the side. Of course, the fuckwit had an iPhlab and was holding it, with some shit rap music blaring out of the horrible "Earpods" that come with the phone. Well, I looked up at him, snatched my phone back, and said "Don't touch my shit" and he recoils a bit, looking shocked that someone actually talked back and everyone starts laughing. I have no idea why, but whatever. He goes "O, so u thnk u tuf?" (He was obviously REALLY high, slurring EVERY word he said like he didn't know how to speak english) and I said "No, I know I'm tough, and your an unintelligent piece of trash" and then I stood up. Now, I'm tall for my age, so I was about an inch taller then this guy (I'm 6 foot) and he backed off a bit. Just when it looked like he was gonna swing the teacher walks over and goes "Jayvon, go sit down before I make you sit down" He mumbles something about "u's a bich," and goes and sits down. (BTW the band was Black Veil Brides)

Also, my winderz and lights arrived! I splurged and got some lights to hide behind the grill too...

Got my sticker on there...

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