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Posts: 504

Location: United States
Occupation: Doing Virtual Speedhunters articles.
Age: 25
V$: 79,410
#64826   2015-03-01 02:59          
# BD_PS : Super happy. My r35 went in for tune @ Undercover Performance,NJ made 1233 and 1178ft tq. Sadly the suspension has to be dialed in. slight pull to the right. Any ideas what specs should I run on the track. Please help me out.

If you don't feel like doing suspension work, then I would detune it a bit. It'd also help keep reliability up tenfold. To be effective, there needs to be a balance between power and grip. Too much power, you turn your tires into nothing more than strings of rubber and go nowhere. Not enough power, you'll stick to the road, but you won't be at the car's full potential. It seems your tire specs are decent with the slicks the size of a garage door, but you mentioned your suspension, so I thought I'd help.
VS Roleplay Speedhunters Hub
# Bigg Boss93 : Ahahah that's sick, well done dude! :D
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