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Posts: 1476
Location: United States
Occupation: Certified GM Mechanic
Age: 26
V$: sure
#64696   2015-02-28 05:24          
So this guy came into the shop with a decent Sonoma. I liked the color on it...

So you may be wondering why it has such a HUGE exhaust pipe....

Well, here's the answer

The thing is 2JZ-GTE Swapped with a Greddy turbo and a catback 3 inch exhaust. Which reminds me, I can fab up some exhaust for that Evo 6 Tom...
Also, long story short, I own a 2JZ Swapped Sonoma now for $5k xD I got plans for this thing. Mainly, dropping it, bigger wheels and brakes, stereo system, bags, car meets... xD Also, I did some donutz

Added 15 minute later:

*EDIT* Fred just visited me, and told me he wants a custom car built to represent the shop... That's a HUGE honor because every year HE usually builds the car himself. LAst year was the GNX racer thing... I just helped on it... What vehicle should I get guys?? I have NOO idea what to get lol
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