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Posts: 1366
Location: Estonia
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Age: 24
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#60473   2015-01-11 18:39          
# 2jzCookie : @Harrison15 Loving that skyline! Do you have a link for it maybe? I know this aint the place to ask but whatever
It's his WIP

Added 7 minutes later:

I found a great intercooler with TWIN turbos for sale, immediately bought it. I couldn't say it was cheap, but it was worth it. Installing it was pretty easy. I only had to cut the bumper guard a little, not 2/3 of it like I usually have to. Of course I had to cut the bumper, but you couldn't even notice that it's modded. As my engine is RB26DETT & runs the whole power in rear, it's crazy car for drifting (in good meaning).

This post was edited by Coprone (2015-01-11 18:46, ago)
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