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Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#48806   2014-09-17 20:09          
# Jesus Christ : there are 2 possitions of the steering wheel in cfg.. can't remember which is which!
The top one(near seat and camera slots) is the one that must be edited, and you must export the steering wheel model pivoted to its "ring" center and rotated so that it(the ring) results vertical, a graphical example would be this -> from this position \ to this one | .

# Jesus Christ : superid shouldn't be changed, superid = id in which catalog page the part will belong..

you need to change TYPEID and that has to be unique.
The super id must be changed only if(as above) you're using a part of rpk from another car(i took that from one of my rpks), so you must search the correct superid to use for your part, a fast example here below:

my super id for stock parts catalog is 0x00000007
<FILE 00000352.res >
typeof 8
superid 0x00000007
typeid 0x000001ID1
isparentcompatible 1.00
<FILE 00000352.rsd >
script cars\racers\CARFOLDER\scripts\PARTNAME.class
native part cars\racers\CARFOLDER\scripts\PARTNAME.cfg
lod_amp 3.000

which is an internal id(aka it's inside the same rpk) and connects it to the actual catalog page(F242), it is meant to prevent parts from appearing in catalog pages when you dont have the car in garage
<FILE 00000340.res >
typeof 8
superid 0x0004F242
typeid 0x00000007
alias >Stock
isparentcompatible 1.00
<FILE 00000340.rsd >
lod_amp 3.000

as you can see in the above the catalog superid starts with a0004 infront of the the actual catalog id, so i'll explain you that as well in few rows:

the first 4 digits of any id are equal to the number of the row with the name of the folder of the file you're looking for(in this case parts.rpk) in the rpk header.

Yeah it sounds a bit complicated, i know, so here's a pratical example(mind that it changes from rpk to rpk so you must check your own):
<FILE external_links >
0001 system\
0002 cars\
0003 cars\racers\
0004 parts\
0005 sound\
0006 particles\
0007 parts\engines\Einvagen_Duhen_Ishima_Focer\
0008 parts\engines\MC_Prime_SuperDuty\
0009 parts\engines\Baiern_Emer\

I hope this will solve most of your questions. :P
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)