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Posts: 18

Location: United Kingdom
#45314   2014-08-09 03:51          
So ive been working on a uv map, i set it so the front face is the main part but which texture should i apply? the chrome sets it extremely large and how do i transfer the uv map to photoshop to edit?

Added 6 hours 31 minutes later:

Is anyone able to talk to me over skype to guide me through uv mapping? i understand the concept of it but i dont quite understand how to copy the grid for my texture to be placed on. I have a few more questions to ask too. :)

Added 69 days later:

Hey guys, sorry ive been busy, ive not had loads of time to work on slrr models, instead ive been using my spare time to look into the javas and changing their values BUT ive come across an issue, my notepad++ doesnt seem to like class files. How do i get around that? because im sure that some of the information i can see, id like to read. It seems to come up in some sort of alien language to me haha.

This post was edited by Lawsonalex94 (2014-10-17 21:21, ago)
HUGE Avicii fan, even BIGGER SLRR fan