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Posts: 452

Location: Bulgaria , Texas
Occupation: DHR
#44231   2014-07-26 14:13          
# Bigg Boss93 : the precise z3d to slrr scale(you must do it on 3ds max) is 10025

I kinda adjusted the scale by trial and error to 8340. Also had to make up my own numbers the same way to move it to the correct place, the ones from the .cfg were close. Now the problem I am having is I can't get the materials correctly.
The bumper is paintable but it looks bad and can't put decals on it. I use the original load order, but even if I edit it (delete the lines with the textures im not using since I use the same textures as original bumper) it's still the same.

Pics from max.

Added 1 hour 37 minutes later:

The placement is fine but whatever I do I can't get the materials to look right. I found some old tutorials but the pics aren't loading and I must be doing some mistake... The bumper has absolutely no reflections or specular lightning and the colors are not saturated at all.

Added 12 minutes later:

The last thing I did was open the material editor

spec 100
gloss 40
diffuse is mix - default_red.png
paint.png copied Alpha Mono
reflection 70 - reflectionimage.png

all these textures are in the .tex and in the rpk

This post was edited by DHR (2014-07-26 16:04, ago)