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Posts: 452

Location: Bulgaria , Texas
Occupation: DHR
#44223   2014-07-26 12:12          
Oh man thanks a lot. I knew it had to be something wrong with the export since the scripts are on point.
But now there is another issue. The bumper is 180 rotated on the Y axis (even thought I rotated it to fit the original bumper in zmod, but zmod probably fucked it up). The scale and the placement are too. Now how can I get a correct scale without changing it and experimenting and how do I fix the position? I think I did something wrong. What I did was enter edit poly mode and select effect pivot only and moved the pivot to the coordinates which are in the main.cfg, at least this is what i saw in David S' tutorial. I think it might do something with local axes, since this is what causes things like this in san andreas. It's probably the pivot though.

Here is a picture (please ignore the bad materials and broken mesh lol)

Added 12 minutes later:

Turns out I was getting the wrong numbers (from main.cfg) I got the ones from the bumper's cfg and it kinda works. Can I get a correct scale somehow or do I need to test and fail to find the right one?

This post was edited by DHR (2014-07-26 12:30, ago)