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Posts: 15

Location: France
#28234   2013-07-09 01:30          
Thank you everyone for testing out the demo.

This is what i like to see! :) Lovin' the Gran Turismo style, especially in the menus!
Physics also seems improved from the first builds.

Keep working on, man! :)

Yeah, i also grew up with Gran Turismo 1 and 2 as a reference hehe.
Glad that you noticed the physics difference from the first builds.

The game looks good imo, but you should fix the handling, add more car selections, tracks, championship, and maybe customizations, cant wait to see the next build ;)

Yeah, i also would like to add more contents, but this can only be done step by step.
Maybe in the future some modders could add their own tracks to contribute ?

Aight, tested it now and I have to say I'm impressed. The physics would use some major upgrades + imo in the beginning stages like this you should focus on the gameplay a bit more rather than getting more cars into it. Good job anyways !

Physics will be improved (i think) in the next build (07).
So stay tunned ;)