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Posts: 9

Location: United Kingdom
Occupation: thexracer
#21581   2013-02-19 20:44          
!Script error

Thread: THRD-RUNVMI Dummy.handleEvent
Error: Thread::evalName: null.methodcall() (line:290) (line:784) (line:1573)
java.render.osd.Gadget:sendMessage (line:211)
java.render.osd.Button:click (line:31)
java.render.Group:handleEvent (line:178)

I have no idea what this might be caused by but I do know that it is what is coming up after attempting to enter the used car dealer. I say attempting because the game crashes literally a quarter of a second after clicking the button. My game is pretty loaded and I have removed many mods in an attempt to fix the issue but even with the game relatively clean I've had no results.

So, I do not hang around VS much but I would appreciate your help. Posting a help thread in GOM is a no go ATM as a result of their current circumstances and I've been meaning to browse around here more often.