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Posts: 8

Location: United States
Occupation: that_240sx
#21381   2013-02-16 23:08          
# Jaziba : The RB20, isint that a waste of money? No offense but i always thoought that those smaller size RBs werent anygood, i mean 6 cilinder 2liter kinda like BMW a bit useless. Maybe when you turbo it?

It really is, I'll agree on that, But at the time when I wrecked I came into several problems with the SR, And my friend had a already built and tuned RB20 at his shop and I couldn't pass up on the deal he gave me. I'm looking into the future towards a 1JZ or 2JZ-GTE aristo Swap, I was inspired by Ryan Tureck's 180sx. THe rb20 though is currently tuned on 17 psi, To my standards, With a Garrett GTX4202R, that holds up pretty well. :awesome: