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Posts: 430

Location: Bangladesh
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#150128   2018-10-09 19:13          
# Macaron_Moon : "I'm sorry if I sound like a terrible son"

I'm not afraid to say I'm a terrible son because I spend what its supposed to be the monthly rent of a expensive appartment in Tokyo on the Evo. Actually I needed to get that job to be able to pay 6k for that 6/4pot Endless BBK, and extra credit ofc but that's secondary.

I just hope my brother doesn't come and be cunt, you know how I handle that. (I may just have jinxed it didn't I?)

Oh and uhh 2K for the ES1 and I'll take it.

Absolute MADLAD smh
Yeah for what you're doing, your brother will probably be a bit pissed xDDDD

Also if you want the ES1, take it for 2k np

Added 32 seconds later:

# Nightrunner : god damn , A70 is gonna be a heccin BEAST ! Oofff , i can't wait !!! Good luck on the car m8.
Hoping the same man! and thanks!

Added 1 minute later:

# snn475san : cant wait to see it blasting donw the highway!

Added 10 minutes later:


(full update soon)

This post was edited by Niatross (2018-10-09 19:25, ago)

Current owned cars:
- Toyota Supra GA-JZA70 Mk3
- BMW E46 M3
- Nissan Skyline ECR33 GTS25t
- Nissan 200SX Hatchback
- BMW E92 335i
- Nazda RX-7 FD3S Type RS
- Mazda RX-7 JF1FD (USDM)
- Nissan Silvia S14