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#136252   2018-01-26 02:02          
Interlaced pngs don't actually have a significant amount of additional data it just means that the data is arranged in a specific way (interlaced) so that a browser can firstly request only every 5th row and every 5th column and after it got this coarse image it can request the 3rd ones and so on until it gets all the data the benefit of this is that a partly loaded image will not be cut in half as it would in the case of a traditional image but will rather be in a lower resolution (decimated). But this does not directly mean more data just another arrangement of said data.
In case of pngs the compression ratio is the more important parameter.
(one should check the compression in photoshop; that can mean that a 4Mb picture will be 400Kb interlacing or not will mean (if its compressed) that it will be 450Kb instead of 400Kb)