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Posts: 33

Location: United States Osaka, Japan
Occupation: Apprentice at an Osaka Shop
Age: 6
V$: 24,250
#135781   2018-01-15 19:07          
# marcus915 : oh god i've heard some horror stories about the S-Chassis scene in Florida. Hope that chassis is clean!

I moved down here originally just to be able to get my hands on "non-Rusted to shit" cars. I'm not sure how permanent this will be though. I moved into a moderate apartment in the city just to save a bit of money. I'm just trying to be my own and not have any influence from the "S-Chassis Gang or let alone the "Small Dicks, Big Trucks" Gang" either.

Added 1 minute later:

# Bigg Boss93 : lol i came here thinking it was some penis enlargement thing, ready to delete - i guess i was wrong... was i? :))

Maybe just a little bit :))

Added 44 minutes later:

"I know it's been a little bit since I posted, but that's because I dedicated the last week and a half to install this:

I can't believe I could have been so lucky to have amazing friends already. I met Jase at a house party when I first moved in, and go figure, he was just as obsessed with metal shells with four wheels as I was. He sold me a full Turbo 2jz-GTE for $1,500 USD, at least half of what he was originally selling it for. I owe him one, a big one.

This post was edited by JDMxOPPRESSIONx (2018-01-15 19:52, ago)

Heart shaped kisses, I really miss my mistress And it's 666, evil
bitches want my mentions