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Posts: 391

Location: South Korea
Occupation: a human
V$: idk
#132295   2017-10-29 18:43          
# KondzixsPL : good that you're good, the dials turning off probably gave you a heart attac
you actually might meet me in a couple of minutes if you're still there

Haha I almost pee-ed when it happened first.
I will be here till Monday so feel free to come broski!

Added 2 minutes later:

# MACKAY : Don't worry, I have plenty of footage in my camera, also photographer approached me after our runs and sent all the photos he took of us, so I will show those too !

Aho was killin it today, his Chaser is one hell of a machine.. Maybe he will take me for a spin next time haha. :))

Ohhh glad you have many of’em and yes, Aho defo showed his best despite he scored 3rd. His drifting style was worth 1st!
Maybe you can call him later for some skids, he has alot of free time from this week to end of the year