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Posts: 4

Location: Canada
Occupation: Novice Programmer
Age: 24
#130071   2017-09-30 15:57          
What exactly would I change in the cfg to make the gauges separate from the GUI? I'm in the cfg of the main chassis of the car looking at some lines that start with osd. They don't seem important to me because I very basically know how a GUI works. Below those lines are what I find more significant. I have colored those lines in green. What do I edit to make them a part of the car and not a part of the GUI? Or at least a part of the GUI not affected by the TAB key.

osd_rpm 0x000003f0 1.800 -0.800 -1.100 0xFFFFFFFF

osd_rpmpin 0x000001c0 1.800 -0.800 -1.100 3.1 -0.0006 -3.1 3.1

osd_spdpin 0x000001c0 0.990 -1.100 0.000 3.1 -0.0195 -3.1 3.1

osd_gauge 0x000002f0 0.990 -1.100 0.0 0xFFFFFFFF

osd_mileage 0xFFFFFFFF 0.520 0.800 1.105

osd_gear 0x00020058 0.750 0.349 -1.150 0xff333333 N123456R

osd_damage 0xFFFFFFFF 0.926 0.815 -0.0001

osd_speed 0x00020058 0.789 0.490 -1.150 0xff333333 %03.0f

osd_nos 0xFFFFFFFF 0.715 0.780 -0.0001
osd_turbo 0xFFFFFFFF 0.715 0.780 -0.0001

osd_abs 0xFFFFFFFF 0.000 0.000 0.000
osd_asr 0xFFFFFFFF 0.000 0.000 0.000
osd_hbrake 0xFFFFFFFF 0.000 0.000 0.000
osd_emergency 0xFFFFFFFF 0.000 0.000 0.000

seat 0.341 -0.320 0.090 0.000 0.450 0.000
pedals 0.341 -0.400 -0.680
cockpit_speed 0.385 0.106 -0.385 0.000 0.000 0.000 0x00000220 1.8 -0.015 -1.8 1.8
cockpit_rpm 0.273 0.106 -0.385 0.000 0.000 0.000 0x00000220 2.2 -0.0004 -2.2 2.2
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