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Posts: 560

Location: Poland
Occupation: fursuiting
Age: 21
V$: yes
#129823   2017-09-27 21:44          
Lots of pics incoming!
Long-ish time no see!
Remember when I said that you have to decide weather you want crappy pics now OR wait some time for good quality one's?
well, things went bad and my pc has shit itself and I can get more than 15FPS on stock game. 15FPS ON STOCK GAME.
But because Jfernando1 was kind enought to take screenshots for me, here are the one's that were made by him.
First, my 367HP daily :D
I'm currently riding on the stock wheels because I want to keep them in the best condition possible cause they can be worth up to 5000$!

And here's my dorifto ride. A 1985 AE86 with a 20v 4AGE. Currently sits in my garage and I use it occasionally as a weekend-driver, maybe I'll sell it cause I Don't have a special place in my hearth like I have for the Commodore64, maybe I won't, who knows? Even I don't.

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