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Posts: 16

Location: Japan Yokosuka, Gunma Prefecture
Occupation: i kinda look like getter
Age: 25
V$: huh?
#129433   2017-09-23 22:41          
Well people, I have some bad news. As I said before the S13 was used before as a drift car. Yesterday and this morning I was practicing drifting on a small local track. The car performed well yesterday, but this morning I was driving for 30-40 minutes, when I heard a loud rattling noise and heavy RPM jumps.

I pulled to the side and there was a oil trail of 100-ish meters with some connecting rod parts laying on the ground. After looking at the engine, and inspecting it, there was a hole in the oil pan, and engine block.

Currently the S13 is a write off. I really feel bad about all this that has happened this morning.

If anyone asks, am I going to sell the S13?
-No, the car is going to get back on the track in mid October.
Future plans for the S13?
-The engine is pulled out from the car. Now, I am preparing the car to be repainted.
What engine am I going to put in the car?
-About that, well I don't know at this moment.

I am searching for a "new" car, because the S13 is just written off and slowly progressing.
If anyone got an offer for a car, or a hint, please let me know, thank you.
~please don't talk shit about my in-game pics, i got a shit pc~