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Posts: 23

Location: United States
Occupation: Desginer
Age: 25
V$: 17750
#129400   2017-09-23 17:09          
# MrTomush : Um, it SR20DET not SR20DE.
but it has no turbos :/ :/

So,i just took the frontend apart and sold the frontend for V$200

I also bought some AVS T6 for V$100

Added 10 minutes later:

I sold my old brakes for 100V$ and got some cheaper brakes for V$50
and im planning to get and silvia front end .

Added 5 minutes later:

I took it for a rip and it fkin hoons like a bulldog.
I have some temporary lights .

This post was edited by Ar_Dan (2017-09-23 17:39, ago)
Roleplay Money :
20000 V$
Sold 180 frontend + 200V$
Sold 180 brakes + 100V$
Bought old brakes - 50V$
bought new wheels - 100V$
R33 Gts-T -2000V$