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Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#128832   2017-09-16 15:10          
# Bigg Boss93 : Have a look at the rules, please
I dont mean open and close them, i mean to actually read them ;)

Added 2 minutes later:

I guess it'll be faster if i drop this here

Salary based RP rules:

- Each character starts with 20k V$(there might be some exception for who already had a shop).

- Weekly paycheck of 375V$(every Monday), increases at the following conditions:

Posts	| Multiplier
on the	| and weekly
thread	| salary

0-10	= 1.0x	(375/w)
11-30	= 1.1x	(415/w)
31-50	= 1.25x	(470/w)
51-70	= 1.5x	(565/w)
71-100	= 1.75x	(655/w)
101-250	= 2.0x	(750/w)
251-500	= 2.5x	(940/w)
501-1k	= 3.0%	(1125/w) - you can open a your own shop since this point
1001-8	= 5.0%	(1875/w)
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)