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Posts: 336

Location: Japan Yokohama
Occupation: making dope beats
Age: 25
V$: idk
#128757   2017-09-15 21:32          
Chapter numero uno

Quick background story: I got my drivers licence in April this year, saved up some money from translating articles, giving lesson to kids, doing some computer shit, and of course, car related things, for example doing diagnostics on modern cars (i hate modern cars), and now I got myself V$20K.

Because of my studies, I've been sent to Japan (wow another japfag roleplay with 180's, and Hondas), so far It was a hell on earth getting used to their lifestyle, but visiting all the car meets, talking to people, getting to know the car dealers, or just contacts that can help me find a car that I would love to own. (More of that later).

I am still waiting for the car to arrive, it's red, it's stock, It is a Nissan, and I love it.

I will update in the next hour with pics, price and everything.
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