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Posts: 1202

Location: Europe
Occupation: Unmuting trial
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#125205   2017-07-24 08:54          
Get rid of some of your mods, most all of the time the issue is to do with to many mods for SLR:R to handle. And "Fix your VT's S***" is due to bad mods which haven't actually had scripting work done on their VTs, so they don't work, creating the crash avoiding "Fix your VT's S***", due to the way the BB93 version of the game has been modified. You just need to remove mods and do some scripting.

Added later:

Get rid of some of your mods, most all of the time the issue is to do with to many mods for SLR:R to handle. And "Fix your VT's S***" is due to bad mods which haven't actually had scripting work done on their VTs, so they don't work, creating the crash avoiding "Fix your VT's S***", due to the way the BB93 version of the game has been modified. You just need to remove mods and do some scripting.

Added 15 seconds later:

Accidentally did it twice.
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