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Posts: 336

Location: Japan Yokohama
Occupation: making dope beats
Age: 25
V$: idk
#119500   2017-04-06 14:23          
Quick update on my 180SX.

I got it registered yesterday, so it's finally road legal. Nothing much has changed. Still looking for a S15 bumper for it. After I finish the mounting of the S15 bumper when I find it. Also I need to find a passengers seat, maybe I'll change the drivers seat for a bucket racing seat and a new steering wheel.

Basically this is the shit that needs to be done on the 180SX:
-Get a turbo kit
-Get a bucket seat
-Get a new steering wheel
-Find an S15 bumper
-Lower that motherfucker
-Get camber plates
-Paint the car

-745V$ 180SX registration
-30V$ 180SX gas
Money left: 37265V$
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